The Limited Times

Fuel prices in Bavaria are falling faster than expected: but the great rush to gas stations does not happen

6/1/2022, 7:44:48 PM

Fuel prices in Bavaria are falling faster than expected: but the great rush to gas stations does not happen Created: 2022-06-01 21:37 By: Felix Herz The fuel tax reduction came into effect on June 1st. However, very few had expected that fuel prices would drop sharply on the first day. Munich – June 1st had many innovations in store: In addition to the entry into force of the 9-euro ticket, th

Fuel prices in Bavaria are falling faster than expected: but the great rush to gas stations does not happen

Created: 2022-06-01 21:37

By: Felix Herz

The fuel tax reduction came into effect on June 1st.

However, very few had expected that fuel prices would drop sharply on the first day.

Munich – June 1st had many innovations in store: In addition to the entry into force of the 9-euro ticket, the tax reduction for fuel was particularly eagerly awaited.

But two things did not happen as most experts had predicted: on the one hand, fuel prices fell more significantly than expected on the first day, and on the other hand, there was no great rush to gas stations in Bavaria.

Bavaria: Fuel prices have become even more expensive in May

Before the fuel rebates, which take effect as a result of a three-month reduction in fuel taxes, costs rose again in May.

An evaluation by Clever Tanken showed that, compared to April, Super E10s were around nine cents more expensive and diesel around one cent more expensive in May.

Fuel prices rose again in May, as shown by Clever Tanken's city ranking.

© infoRoad GmbH / Clever refueling

"Immediately before the start of the temporary tank discount decided by the federal government, the prices for both types of fuel rose again noticeably," comments Steffen Bock, founder and managing director of Clever Tanken.

The war in Ukraine continued to be the main reason for the sustained increase in fuel prices.

(By the way: Our Bayern newsletter informs you about all the important stories from Bavaria. Register here.)

Tank discount: fuel prices in Bavaria are falling – there is no rush

On June 1st, the fuel discount decided by the federal government came into effect.

The energy tax on fuels in Germany will be reduced to the minimum permitted in the EU.

"For petrol, the tax rates are reduced by 29.55 cents per liter, for diesel by 14.04 cents," according to Clever Tanken.

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And surprising for many: As early as midnight, fuel prices at many gas stations have fallen, some significantly.

Previously, it had been assumed that the tank discount would only reach the consumer in the coming days.

The reason for this is the fact that petrol stations would first have to sell the fuels they bought at the more expensive prices from their warehouses until it was the turn of the cheaper ones.

It didn't happen that way.

All news and stories from Bavaria can now also be found on our brand new Facebook page Merkur Bayern.

Despite the fuel discount: There is no rush to fill up at petrol stations - where is it worth filling up in Bavaria?

On the first day of the fuel tax cut, there was no huge rush to gas stations in Bavaria.

There were only a few longer waiting times at the petrol pumps.

Günter Friedl, Vice President of the Association of Motor Vehicle Trades in Bavaria, commented, somewhat surprised: "The big run didn't materialize."

In Coburg, for example, cars stood in a long queue that stretched out onto the street and caused traffic restrictions.

As of 4 p.m., according to Clever Tanken, filling stations in Nuremberg charge between 1.91 and 1.94 euros per liter of diesel.

Super E10 is around 10 cents cheaper.

In Regensburg, the two fuels each cost around three cents less.

For the further course of the evening, the comparison portal predicts that the price development will remain about the same, which in some cases can even drop a little further.


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