The Limited Times

"Abortion in the United States: What the Supreme Court could decide"

6/2/2022, 6:33:54 PM

TRIBUNE - Professor of public law Anne-Marie Le Pourhiet explains the state of the legal question and the schools of thought that coexist at the Supreme Court.

* Anne-Marie Le Pourhiet is vice-president of the French Association of Constitutional Law.

In 1921, exactly a century ago, the French jurist Édouard Lambert published a book entitled:

The Government of Judges and the Struggle Against Social Legislation in the United States

, in which he described the enormous power wielded across Atlantic of judges who replace elected authorities to make political choices.

The expression flourished and was moreover widely brandished, during the preparatory work for the French Constitution of 1958, to rule out any possibility of judicial review of the conformity of the laws with the rights and freedoms mentioned in the preamble.

Above all, according to our constituents, it was not necessary to import American deviations into France.

We know what happened to these prejudices after the disappearance of General de Gaulle.

Read also

United States: can the Supreme Court suspend the right to abortion?

Justice Samuel Alito's Draft Majority Opinion on Abortion Regulation in the United States

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