The Limited Times

Russia with troops problem? Kremlin confidante probably rages about "peaceful Russians" - and Putin's propaganda

6/2/2022, 7:08:58 PM

Russia with troops problem? Kremlin confidante probably rages about "peaceful Russians" - and Putin's propaganda Created: 06/02/2022Updated: 06/02/2022 21:02 By: Hannes Niemeyer The Ukraine war is causing heavy casualties, and there is a recruitment problem in Russia. A Putin confidante is therefore angry with the "peaceful Russians" and criticizes the propaganda. Donetsk – In the Ukraine conf

Russia with troops problem?

Kremlin confidante probably rages about "peaceful Russians" - and Putin's propaganda

Created: 06/02/2022Updated: 06/02/2022 21:02

By: Hannes Niemeyer

The Ukraine war is causing heavy casualties, and there is a recruitment problem in Russia.

A Putin confidante is therefore angry with the "peaceful Russians" and criticizes the propaganda.

Donetsk – In the Ukraine conflict, which has long since escalated, Russia has been shifting the main focus of events to the east of the country for some time.

The goal: to bring the Donbass around the Donetsk and Luhansk regions completely under Kremlin control.

Attacks by Putin's henchmen are ongoing, and for days there has been intense fighting for the city of Sievjerodonetsk - the area there is considered to be the last region in the said eastern regions that is still under Ukrainian control.

According to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyj, around 20 percent of the country is now under Russian control.

What has long been clear, however, is that the war is progressing more slowly than ruler Vladimir Putin surely imagined.

The losses on both sides are said to be high, even if the figures circulating cannot be independently verified.

In the Kremlin army there are reports of both elation and mutiny within their own ranks.

And not only in the country where the war is being fought, but also among the Russian population, displeasure is apparently growing.

This is probably also reflected in the recruitment of new soldiers in the country - and therefore makes a Putin confidante quite angry.

Kremlin confidant in the Ukraine war probably angry at "peaceful Russians" - and at Putin's propaganda

Pro-Russian military bloggers are said to have collected frustrated voices about the country's limited war resources, according to a non-profit political research organization called the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). also reports on the contributions.

Among the frustrated voices is Pavel Gubarev, the self-proclaimed "People's Governor of Donetsk Oblast".

According to Gubarev, the limited mobilization of the Russian population for the war would split society into two groups: a small group involved in the war and the "peaceful Russians" who distance themselves from the Russian war of aggression and complain about the restrictions imposed by the sanctions.

However, those "peaceful Russians" are a thorn in Gubarev's side.

According to the ISW report, Vladimir Putin's acquaintance is said to criticize this very segment of society for not collecting donations for Russian equipment and for blocking the invasion for fear of conscription.

At the same time, he is said to have accused the Kremlin of using propaganda about Russian victories in Ukraine to reduce the general willingness to fight among the population.

In his view, a mass mobilization could stop the division in society.

However, he was also certain that Russian commanders would not resort to this step, since it could mean high losses of untrained conscripts, which one wants to avoid.

Pavel Gubarev (centre), self-proclaimed "People's Governor of Donetsk Oblast", criticizes the "peaceful Russians" and Putin's propaganda in the Ukraine war.

(Archive) © Roman Pilipey / dpa

Putin confidante Gubarev rages about divisions in society - experts explain phenomenon

Incidentally, according to the ISW, what annoys Gubraev here is an apparently common phenomenon in times of war.

It could already be observed in the US wars against Iraq and Afghanistan.

Here the anger of those directly involved in the war, personally or through their families, rises up against those who remain virtually untouched by the pure fighting.

Such resentment could grow quickly even in an all-volunteer military.

According to the ISW, since the Russian military relies heavily on voluntary recruits, it can be assumed that this phenomenon is strongly reflected here.

"This resentment can undermine morale and the will to fight and the willingness to volunteer for military service," the experts conclude their analysis.

While Russian society is apparently splitting, others are getting closer: China and Russia, for example, have now reaffirmed their joint alliance during the Ukraine war.

Meanwhile, there are new rumors about Vladimir Putin's health.


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