The Limited Times

Earth melts at 1000 degrees: researchers calculate when the sun will destroy the world

6/3/2022, 8:03:27 PM

Earth melts at 1000 degrees: researchers calculate when the sun will destroy the world Created: 06/03/2022, 12:47 p.m By: Julian Baumann In the distant future, the sun's radiation will be so high that it will melt the earth. © picture alliance/dpa One day the center of our solar system will have expanded so much, temperatures will rise so much that the earth will literally melt. Researchers ha

Earth melts at 1000 degrees: researchers calculate when the sun will destroy the world

Created: 06/03/2022, 12:47 p.m

By: Julian Baumann

In the distant future, the sun's radiation will be so high that it will melt the earth.

© picture alliance/dpa

One day the center of our solar system will have expanded so much, temperatures will rise so much that the earth will literally melt.

Researchers have calculated the time.

Washington DC - Screenwriters and novelists have imagined a variety of ways in which humanity, or even the entire planet, could end.

In the dystopias, this scenario occurs, for example, through a final nuclear war, through a chemical accident, or through a deadly virus.

Even if the corona virus poses great challenges to humanity in Baden-Württemberg and around the world, it will probably not herald the end of the world.

But even if humanity does not bring about the end of the blue planet itself at some point through exhaust gases and climate pollution, the earth will end one day in the distant future, as BW24 reports.

Editor's note

This article was originally published on 08/24/2021.

Astrophysics has calculated several scenarios that will usher in the last day on Earth or at least bring it a whole lot closer.

According to

, the future of the blue planet lies in the stars.

More precisely, in the largest star in our solar system, the sun itself. The yellow giant will continue to expand over the course of billions of years.

As a result, temperatures are rising to inhospitable levels and the changed UV rays will one day destroy all life on earth.

But the universe itself will not last forever.

Collision of the Milky Way with Andromeda - "Earth could fall into the sun"

The so-called galaxy collision is the first major astronomical scenario on the way to the end of the world.

In about four billion years our galaxy, the Milky Way, will meet the neighboring galaxy Andromeda, as predicted by NASA.

Andromeda is racing towards our home galaxy at a relative speed of minus 400,000 kilometers per hour (opposite of its own path).

However, according to

, this frightening scenario is not as destructive as it might sound.

"Only about a hundred of the many billions of stars in the Milky Way collide with objects from Andromeda," writes the ARD portal.

Accordingly, our solar system comes most likely without major damage from the collision of the galaxies.

However, one result of the galaxy collision will be clearly noticeable on Earth.

Dubbed the Milky Dromeda by researchers, the resulting mixed galaxy will give rise to a new night sky.

The collision would then make it possible for the earth to be orbited by two suns.

It would be worse, however, if the earth came too close to a star or a black hole.

"This would make planetary orbits unstable and, in the worst case, the earth could fall into the sun," writes


The end of the sun: temperatures and UV radiation are ending life on earth

The future of the earth, on the other hand, depends on the future of the sun, which provides vital light and heat.

According to

, the yellow giant will change extremely in five to seven billion years.

The diameter increases and the radiance increases.

"The planets closest to the sun, Mercury, Venus and Earth, will be destroyed." According to the portal, the earth will not be completely swallowed up by the sun, but life on the planet will become impossible.

"It will be more than 1000 degrees hot on the surface of the earth." The earth will thus be transformed into a desert planet that will eventually consist only of molten rock.

The sun literally melts the earth.

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Such a scenario can be predicted based on observations.

Accordingly, stars with Sun-like masses explode practically one after the other.

Since our sun is also a star, it will eventually meet the same fate - in five to seven billion years.

But even if humanity manages to leave the dying planet early and colonize another one, the universe will also come to an end one day.

Eventually, all stars known today will burn out because their fuel is limited.

According to this, the universe will become completely dark and only burnt-out star remnants such as black holes will remain.

An energy source like the sun no longer exists.

According to

, however, there are several possible scenarios for the end of the universe.

Some researchers expect that the universe will contract again and that there will be a new Big Bang.

Others, on the other hand, see an ever-continuing expansion.

"No matter what the future will look like," writes the portal.

"In about ten hundred years, life in the universe will be impossible."