The Limited Times

Garum, Victor Mercier's recipe

6/3/2022, 7:21:09 PM

The chef from Fief (Paris), gives a recipe for the ancient condiment in a book published by First in 2020.

"Garum is an ancestral approach, but resolutely modern",

writes Victor Mercier, chef of the Parisian restaurant Fief - for Made here in France, because he uses only French products -, to introduce this recipe in his first book published by Éditions First at the end of 2020. Attached not only to the origin of the products, but also to the sustainability of his cuisine, he naturally made the ancient condiment one of his basics.

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For 100ml

Preparation: 10 minutes.

Rest: 6 months.


• Entrails and bones of 3 bonitos (or small oily fish, such as sardines or mackerel).

• Sea salt (untreated), as needed.


Gut 3 bonitos, recover all the bloody parts and crush the raw bones.

In a glass jar, put a bottom of sea salt 1 cm thick then cover with about 2 cm of fish entrails.

Alternate the layers to the top of the pot.

It is very important to finish with salt.

Close the jar with as little air as possible.

Then leave to ferment for…

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