The Limited Times

Global Chef Challenge, the blue chefs who are world champions

6/3/2022, 6:39:20 PM

(HANDLE)  Triumph for the Azzurri of the Italian National Chefs (Nic), who conquer the title of World Champions in the Senior Category of the Global Chef Challenge in Abu Dhabi, finishing ahead of Sweden and Singapore. Satisfaction and emotion for the General manager Gianluca Tomasi who, together with the Team manager Pier Luca Ardito and the Team junior chef Angelo Biscotti, prepared our national team for

 Triumph for the Azzurri of the Italian National Chefs (Nic), who conquer the title of World Champions in the Senior Category of the Global Chef Challenge in Abu Dhabi, finishing ahead of Sweden and Singapore.

Satisfaction and emotion for the General manager Gianluca Tomasi who, together with the Team manager Pier Luca Ardito and the Team junior chef Angelo Biscotti, prepared our national team for one of the most important cooking competitions in the world, where Italy has hoard of prizes.

In fact, in addition to getting on the highest podium in the Senior category, thanks to Marco Tomasi and Tommaso Bonseri Capitani, Italy also won two second podiums: in the Junior category, with the very young Giorgia Ceccato and in the Pastry category, with Antonio Dell 'Oro and Luca Bnà.

A historic result for the Italian team, which had flown to Abu Dhabi in recent days accompanied by the president of the Italian Federation of Chefs Rocco Pozzulo.

"To hear that our team had won the gold - said Pozzulo - was an indescribable joy. I want to thank all those who made this incredible achievement possible, not only the managers and chefs of the National team, but also the entire organizational machine. which allowed us to be here today, crowning the work of months and months of preparation with great success ".

The general manager of Nic, Gianluca Tomasi, echoes him, very excited: "When we left the boys told me 'let's go to Abu Dhabi to win'. They kept their word". 

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