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Real Madrid asks for explanations for the incidents in the Champions League final in Paris and UEFA apologizes

6/3/2022, 10:03:37 PM

The white club issues a statement to criticize what happened outside the Saint Denis stadium before and after the match against Liverpool. The European body refers to the ongoing investigation

Liverpool fans outside the stadium with tickets that turned out to be fraudulent. Christophe Ena (AP)

A few days ago, the Government of England asked UEFA for explanations for the incidents that occurred before and after the Champions League final between Real Madrid and Liverpool, as there were police charges, pepper spray attacks on fans -indistinctly adults or children - and the match was postponed for half an hour before the crowd of fans at the gates of the stadium due to a fraudulent sale of tickets.

"Given the unfortunate events that took place on May 28 in the vicinity and entrances to the Stade de France, including inside the stadium itself, Real Madrid,

The claim of the white entity, although it arrives six days late, adds to what was exposed by London at the time that UEFA indicated that an independent report has been commissioned on the events surrounding the Champions League final.

"The exhaustive review will examine the decision-making, responsibility and behavior of all the entities involved in the final," the international body resolved.

This Friday afternoon, UEFA issued a statement in which it apologized and recalled that it has launched an investigation to find out what happened on and off the field throughout the day.

The final of the Champions League ended with 68 people arrested, of which 39 were imprisoned (according to sources from the Police prefecture).

In addition, firefighters and medical services treated 238 people with minor injuries, without any of them having to be hospitalized.

Fact for which the French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, congratulated the French security forces for "avoiding deaths".

Some incidents, in any case, that point to Paris and France, which in a year will host the Rugby World Cup and in two, the Olympic Games.

“The general behavior of the supporters was at all times exemplary.

We understand that what should have been a great football party for all the fans who attended the game,

led to some unfortunate events that have caused deep indignation throughout the world, ”explained the statement from Real Madrid;

“As has been clearly seen in the revealing images offered by the media, many of the fans were violently assaulted, harassed, robbed and robbed.

Some events that also took place when they were driving in their cars or buses fearing for their physical integrity.

What happens, however, is that no one takes the blame.

Some events that also took place when they were driving in their cars or buses fearing for their physical integrity.

What happens, however, is that no one takes the blame.

Some events that also took place when they were driving in their cars or buses fearing for their physical integrity.

What happens, however, is that no one takes the blame.

The problem, according to several testimonies, was, on the one hand, that the police controls before arrival at the stadium created bottlenecks where British fans had to wait for hours.

Once the controls had been passed, close to the access fences to the stadium, and before a new control, young French people, who did not belong to either of the two hobbies, tried to jump the fence.

“Football has transmitted to the world an image far removed from the values ​​and objectives that it must always pursue.

Our followers and fans deserve a response and that the pertinent responsibilities be cleared up so that situations such as the ones experienced are eradicated forever from football and sport”, remarked Real Madrid.

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