The Limited Times

Stade de France fiasco: Real in turn demands explanations for its supporters

6/3/2022, 9:27:15 AM

After Liverpool, Real Madrid is officially complaining about the attacks on its supporters, which occurred during the Champions League final at the Stade de France.

Real Madrid published an official statement on Friday May 3 to return to the attacks on its supporters, which occurred this Saturday May 28 at the Stade de France.

"What should have been a great football celebration for all the fans who attended the match turned into unfortunate events that caused deep indignation around the world", can we read in these few lines published by the spanish club.

To discover

  • Champions League fixtures and results

Read alsoFiasco at the Stade de France: 40,000 fraudsters … or barely 3,000?

Real Madrid asks for an explanation: "We want to know what were the reasons that led to the designation of this place for the final, and what criteria were taken into consideration given what happened that day .

We demand answers and explanations to determine those responsible who left our fans helpless and defenseless.

As clearly seen in the footage, many fans were violently attacked, harassed, robbed and robbed.

Some events also took place while they were driving in their car or bus fearing for their physical integrity.

Some of them even had to spend the night in the hospital for injuries sustained.


The club concluded by demanding answers on all the events that took place this Saturday evening, May 28.

“Our followers and our fans deserve an answer and want the responsibilities to be clarified, so that situations like those experienced are eradicated from football and sport forever.

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