The Limited Times

The 33rd Anniversary of June 4th|For 3 consecutive years, there has been no public gathering in Victoria Park to mourn in a low-key manner

6/3/2022, 11:09:18 PM

Today (June 4th) is the 33rd anniversary of June 4th. With the disbandment of the stake last year, no large-scale mourning activities will be organized this year. The LCSD made an evening shift yesterday (3rd) to prevent unauthorised activities. the public

Today (June 4th) is the 33rd anniversary of June 4th. With the disbandment of the stake last year, no large-scale mourning activities will be organized this year. The LCSD made an evening shift yesterday (3rd) to prevent unauthorised activities. The area including the football field was temporarily closed until 00:30 on the 5th, citing public gatherings for 2009. For three consecutive years, Hong Kong has not held a June 4 rally in Victoria Park, and the sea of ​​candles on June 4 will no longer be available.

Some pro-democracy activists stated that the cost of public mourning for June 4th is currently very high, and they believe that Hong Kong people will mourn June 4th in their own way and inherit history; It was ignited in Hong Kong again, and it also allowed the continuation of what the predecessors did.

On the other hand, more than 30 mourning events were held around the world.


Former district councilor insists on sending electronic candles not to touch the red line

Mong Kok Nanqian District Councilor Chu Jiangwei pointed out on his social networking site that he distributed electronic candles in a shopping mall in Mong Kok for four consecutive days from the 3rd. , I believe that the distribution of candles in the shop will not touch the red line. "According to the press conference held by the police yesterday (the previous day), it should be fine to distribute candles in the shop, but illegal assembly is not allowed." He said that on the first day of the event, 39 people have been dispatched. Candle, he further explained that unless the National Security Law states that it is illegal to mourn June 4th, he will try his best to mourn June 4th in different forms according to the risks he can bear. "In the past 33 years, I have not stopped. The mourning has not stopped in Hong Kong.”

Police arrested a man in Tai Po yesterday on charges of "inciting others with intent to cause grievous bodily harm". He was suspected of using online platforms to make remarks, promote and advocate participation in illegal assemblies, and commit illegal acts during the period, including killing police officers.

Zhu Jiangwei said that he has never targeted anyone in his actions, but to anyone who has sacrificed, especially because of social movements and those who seek justice, they have a greater responsibility to remember what they have done, "otherwise, no one will mention peace. Continue.” He believes that mourning the June 4th Movement is an important civic education, and he believes that Hong Kong people will not forget this history that really happened. During the low ebb of the movement, a sense of ritual is needed to combat the sense of powerlessness.

From the 3rd, Zhu Jiangwei, a member of the Nanqian District, distributed electronic candles in the store for four days in a row to mourn June 4th.

(Mongkok South Zhu Jiangwei Facebook)

Mourning in one's own way "public mourning costs quite a bit"

Zeng Jiancheng (Aniu), a member of the Social People's Association, said that in the current political environment, public mourning for June 4 has a considerable cost. "After the National Security Law, Yuxia all incited rebellion." He believes that Hong Kong people will mourn June 4 in their own way.

Regarding the June 4 rally in Victoria Park, which has been going on for many years, it was suspended for the third year of this year. Zeng Jiancheng said, "I don't want to remember, I dare not forget it.

Zhao Enlai, a former member of the Standing Committee of the Stake, pointed out that he will mourn in his own way today, and I believe the same will be true of Hong Kong people. He also pointed out that the June 4 rally is just a form, and the most important thing is the hearts and ideas of Hong Kong people. a Hong Kong citizen.

Guan Haoran: Do not host the June 4 prayer meeting in the name of the church

No pro-democracy group has publicly stated that they plan to hold a memorial event for June 4th. The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong also stated in late May that because some front-line workers and some members of the Catholic Justice and Peace Committee were worried that holding the event would violate the National Security Law, it will not be held this year. Another mass in memory of June 4th.

One of the initiators of the "2020 Gospel Declaration", Pastor Guan Haoran, director of the Christian Chinese Evangelistic Association Tsim Sha Tsui Canaan Church, pointed out in an interview that there is currently no space in Hong Kong to mourn June 4th, and any church-sponsored worship and prayer meeting under the "National Security Law" All are likely to be classified as "organizational activities to subvert the regime." There is no other choice than to host the June 4th prayer meeting in the name of the church.

However, he believes that religious activities still have a certain gray area. Even if the top-down platform activities are strictly controlled, in the private space, any believer’s spontaneous prayers and discussions from the bottom-up can flourish everywhere. Perseverance will eventually allow Hong Kong to get through this difficult time.

Overseas mourns for June 4th

Candlelight rallies to commemorate June 4 have disappeared in Hong Kong, but in many cities such as the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Australia and Taiwan, overseas Hong Kong people have held June 4 mourning activities to continue the candlelight of mourning.

Wang Dan, leader of the 1989 pro-democracy movement, will attend the candlelight gala in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The Danish sculptor Gao Zhihuo who created the "Pillar of Remorse" will attend the unveiling ceremony of the "Pillar of Remembrance" in Prague, Czech Republic.

Former Democratic Party legislator Xu Zhifeng will appear in Adelaide, Australia to attend the June 4 candlelight rally.

David Alton, a member of the British House of Lords, tweeted a picture showing the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong projecting pro-democracy words onto Tower Bridge in central London on the eve of June 4th.

In Taiwan, organizations such as the Chinese Academy of Democracy will hold a series of commemorative activities on Democracy Avenue in Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. In addition to the mourning party at 6:40 p.m. on Democracy Avenue in Taipei, there will also be cross-border art exhibitions, reconstruction " "Pillars of National Mourning" and other activities.

The words in memory of the June 4th incident were projected on Tower Bridge in London on the eve of June 4th.

(David Alton Twitter image)

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