The Limited Times

The right anticipates its rejection of the extension of the Sánchez decree that subsidizes gasoline

6/3/2022, 10:03:43 PM

The anti-crisis measures will last until the end of September with the support of the usual partners and probably for the minimum

The luck and support that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, asked for on Wednesday from the other groups represented in Congress, to support the extension of the decree with the anti-crisis measures to alleviate the effects of the war in Ukraine, will not be found in the right of Parliament.

It is also not clear between which of its usual partners and especially ERC.

PP, Ciudadanos and Vox already anticipate their rejection, because they believe that these actions and approved tax reductions "have not worked" or "have been insufficient."

United We Can, EH Bildu, PDeCAT, Más País and PNV show their willingness to negotiate.

"Let's see if we have more luck and those who say they love Spain, show it by loving the Spaniards and approving measures that are good for the Spaniards," said the president and general secretary of the PSOE at the meeting in Congress on Wednesday. with its parliamentary groups after confirming that, when the validity of this anti-crisis decree ends on June 30, it will request its extension for another three months until the end of September.

The Government hopes that this new decree prospers, but recalls that the current one went ahead by the minimum on April 28, with 176 votes in favor, 172 against and one abstention.


in extremis

support of the five Bildu deputies then saved the situation against the opposition of the PP and ERC.

The panorama, now, is still not very clear.

The Executive has starting with the 154 seats that add the PSOE and United We Can.

And he needs more affirmative than negative votes for the decree to progress.

PP, Vox, Ciudadanos, Foro Asturias and the two defectors from Navarra Suma also reach 154.

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United We Can was one of the first formations that opted to request, even until the end of December, the extension of these measures that involve, among other things, tax benefits for the most vulnerable families, carriers and a direct subsidy of 20 cents per liter gasoline in general.

The coalition partner understands that more aid would be needed, encourage the use of public transport with monthly bonuses of 10 euros better than the private car;

or introduce progressivity in the fuel discount.

The Ministry of Social Rights calls for extending the so-called social shield throughout 2022, updating non-contributory pensions to the CPI and expanding the social electricity bonus.

The unknown of CKD

CKD is again an unknown.

In the debate on the decree, on April 28, it ended up voting against it, not without internal debate and admitting some of its members that that unchecking could have been a mistake.

The relationship with the Executive was then in tension due to the scandal of

the Pegasus case

spying on Basque and Catalan independence leaders.

ERC tightened the rope of the negotiation and everything indicates that now it will do more of the same.

Official sources of the republican formation indicate that a decision has not yet been made.

The same is indicated from the PNV parliamentary group, which then voted yes, and from JuntsxCAT, which opted for no.

Most of these parties, as is the case with the PDeCAT, the Regionalist Party of Cantabria, Más País and Compromís, would like the Executive to agree to negotiate some improvements in the decree in order to cast their votes without so many reservations, but they seem to opt for the Yes.

That negotiation has not started, according to various parliamentary sources.

EH Bildu does advance its willingness to extend these "necessary, but insufficient" measures even until December, "since the economic forecasts and the evolution of inflation do not seem to envision a better scenario than the current one."

The abertzale


asks for more actions related to salary increases, immediate revaluation of pensions to the CPI, prohibition of dismissals due to the direct cause of the economic situation similar to that applied in the pandemic or tax surcharges on large fortunes, electricity companies and banks.

In More Country they accept that these improvements to "cope with the increase in the cost of living are welcome", but they point out that some, such as the reduction of the fuel tax, have been shown to be ineffective and they lack more promotion of public transport.

Of course, they understand that the extension of the decree could be "an unbeatable opportunity to correct these deficiencies."

PP, Cs and Vox were then in the no and are now "in the same position", as Juan Bravo, the popular economic deputy secretary of Alberto Núñez Feijóo's team, remarked this Thursday.

Edmundo Bal, national spokesman for Cs, thus expressed the position closed the day before by the hard core of the party in response to Sánchez's appeal: “We already criticized that decree for being ineffective and insufficient and because it subsidized consumption.

These three months have proved us right, inflation is rising non-stop and fuel prices have not been contained”.

Bravo abounded: "The measures are not working and it is the Government that must leave its

no is no

to not even read or listen to our proposals”.

The PP even refers to the fact that socialists like Jordi Sevilla have praised the alternative economic plan that Feijóo gave Sánchez, with some tax cuts.

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