The Limited Times

Ukraine: the blockade of Odessa at the center of the world grain crisis

6/3/2022, 6:51:53 PM

STORY - Since the start of the war, the Russian Navy has taken control of the northern Black Sea and around 25 million tonnes of grain are believed to be stuck in Ukraine.

Serpents' Island is in the hands of Russian forces.

On this small pebble off Odessa and not far from the Romanian coast, they have installed ground-to-air defense capabilities.

Fast boats sailing around discourage any approach.

"The Russian army is in a position to impose a denial of access to the Gulf of Odessa"

, summarizes a French military source, describing the blockade of the main Ukrainian port.

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  • Follow information on the war in Ukraine with the Figaro application

Since the start of the war, Vladimir Putin's navy has taken control of the northern Black Sea, with at least 50 ships at sea. The symbolic loss of the


, his aging flagship, has not changed that.


No doubt four Kilo-class submarines are sailing under the surface of the water.

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