The Limited Times

"See you soon", in a documentary the last 100 days of Pannella

6/4/2022, 5:33:55 PM

Preview on Monday by the Global Committee for the Rule of Law which he founded with Terzi di Santagata to protect information. 'See you soon', like the greeting he gives from the Dalai Lama (ANSA)

"See you soon", like the greeting he addressed to the Dalai Lama.

This is the title of the documentary on the last hundred days of Marco Pannella, which will be presented on Monday 6 June during the annual meeting in Rome of the

Global Committee for the Rule of Law

, the organization founded by the radical leader, a few months before his death in 2016, together with

Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata.

A public meeting at the Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro, to renew an initiative in support of democratic information and knowledge, the latest campaign launched by Pannella.

"On the day of the 78th anniversary of the Normandy landings with which the decisive offensive to free Europe from Nazi barbarism began, we come together to pay homage to the sacrifice of those who allowed us to live in a free and open society and to reaffirm our support for those today facing a renewed conflict between democracies and autocracies - explains the President of the GCRL,

Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata

-. In launching our appeal for the promotion of the Right to Know, against all disinformation, we

urge strong and clear support for Ukraine through sanctions against the Russian Federation, EU accession of Ukraine,

military and humanitarian support, reconstruction of Ukraine,and international justice. "

'Know and inform against all violence'

Appointment from 10 am, among others

Andrea Orlando

, Minister of Labor,

Maria Stella Gelmini

, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies,

Gianni Letta,


Valeria Fedeli, Federica Dieni, Gennaro Migliore, Andrea Romano, Roberto Giachetti, as well as Rita Bernardini, Bakhtiar Amin, former Iraqi Minister for Human Rights and Paul Strauss, Senator from Washington


The aim of the meeting is to launch a new initiative for the adoption of measures in support of Knowledge, raising awareness of national parliaments and international institutions, starting with the United Nations.

    Pannella's thought will then relive through the unpublished images that he wanted to be shot in his last months, collected in a documentary directed by Simona Ventura.

The title is inspired by a dialogue with the Dalai Lama who greeted him with a "see you soon".

"Marco replied 'not soon, but immediately, because you are inside me' - recalls Ventura -. The images of the last 100 days he recorded with the help of Matteo Angioli, with his wife Laura Harth and the partner of a life Mirella Parachini.

    At that time everyone came to pay homage to him, they are touching images. Never as now do we need to see a politician fighting not pro domo but for the good of the community.

    There are also truths that not everyone knows.

He is thought to have been fighting for cannabis legalization for making joints, but he has never smoked a joint.

In the documentary we see Marco Pannella as a public man but also one weakened by illness, and in the end we see that there has never been any difference between the public and private life of the radical leader. "A newspaper will also be presented during the assembly. online on human rights, The Global News, directed by Giovanni Terzi, with an online edition and two semi-annual printed copies by subscription.