The Limited Times

Corona pandemic and what we learned from it: Everything will not be fine

6/4/2022, 3:33:54 PM

The pandemic has shown what is lacking in the healthcare industry: staff, good pay, appreciation. This realization brought little.

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Looking into the future (symbolic image): No improvement for employees and non-capitalists


Alice Adler/Getty Images/fStop

What beautiful climate change weather out there.

But don't be careless now.

We need to worry and fear.

Because without fear, one could ask oneself why one is actually always afraid, since it is clear how everything will end.

Doesn't matter.

Be warned and face natural disasters, inflation, water shortages and disease with personal responsibility.

In other words: it's all your fault, dear person.

A little more personal responsibility could also have been expected from health and nursing staff.

Be careful when choosing a career.

Why didn't you inherit?

We praised, maybe a healthcare worker also received the German Order of Merit?

No, not?

Yes now.

But surely all European rulers have learned from the pandemic.

Reversed the privatization of hospitals and care because we have learned that returns only want one thing: more returns.

No, not?

Okay, but probably health care professions have been upgraded by massive salary increases, hospitals in poor infrastructure

areas reopened.

Or do you have to save?  

Well, it's best to leave the whole story to the markets, which are known to handle everything and always look out for the well-being of the working people.

Healthcare workers have just launched a petition.

Under Notruf NRW they have described their demands for better working conditions.

Original sound: »We have noticed for years that we have to look after increasingly ill patients in increasingly complex care situations with far too few staff.

Due to this imbalance, we are faced with more and more patient-endangering situations in our everyday work.

We can no longer reconcile that with our professional ethics.«


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Together with Verdi, clinics in various cities are on strike, a shameful fact after more than two years of pandemic and constant stress.

Unfortunately, even after negotiations, there are no dramatic improvements.

Because if you can say one thing for sure: Nothing is improving for workers and non-capitalists at the moment.

No one wonders how seriously one can actually take governments that fully consciously mock the elderly, the sick, the needy, the victims of a disease, the victims of the environment and those of stress with an alleged personal responsibility.

Staff shortages, but hooray for ramping up military spending—that comes to mind incoherently.

Hooray for the bailout of banks and the turnaround of the auto industry.

Every government official who votes against a very strong upgrading of nursing and health care today is very likely to end up in a hospital, nursing home, hospice or rehabilitation center at some point because he needs help due to his sloppy personal responsibility.

He or she may thank you with a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates when you are released.

Back in politics, he or she will be happy that so many responsible citizens are doing unpaid care work.

Helping those who have fled, pulling people out of the sea, serving soup, giving concerts for hospital and nursing staff, running food banks.

In short, that so many are trying to mitigate the collateral damage that an unjust, old-fashioned economic system does.