The Limited Times

Damaged down below: There were a few little heroic stories in the RTL new edition of the celebrity tower jump

6/4/2022, 8:09:52 AM

RTL is trying a new edition of celebrity tower jumping. Because the ProSieben classic was again produced by Stefan Raab, there were no surprises - but a few little heroic stories.

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Trash TV alumni among themselves: a lot of redundant reporting, little jumping

Photo: Marja / IMAGO

Testicle injuries were probably not talked about with more seriousness during TV prime time.

"I have a severe hematoma," said Thorsten Legat, an injured high-diving candidate, right in the opening clip of the newly released celebrity art splash: "My egg is attacked, my scrotum is damaged."

Now that would have been more information than one would ever have wanted to actively demand about the Legatsche Unterrum, but as a guest at the moderator's desk of Frank Buschmann and Jan Köppen he presented the most recent entries from his patient file again.

So far everything has healed well, but next week, according to Legat, there is still a groundbreaking examination of his training injury: "If the urologist says the egg is damaged, it will be removed."

One cannot say with certainty whether RTL Managing Director Henning Tewes meant such mood moments when he announced in an interview that the broadcaster wanted to "recharge the high diving, originally based in ProSieben in the "TV total" cosmos, in the relocated new edition, "in our time get it and do RTLig«, but it probably can't get much RTLiger at this point.

The fact that the format was otherwise widely known was of course also due to the fact that it was also produced in the RTL version by Stefan Raab.

Instead of the traditional gambling sun, dog food advertising greeted the pool floor with the funny optical effect that the jumpers seemed to fall into an open mouth.

The 10,000-euro jump was also not missing, in which a spectator could not place his basketball throws in the air in the basket, at the award ceremony a classic piece of "TV total" folklore ran: "I love Germany" by Verna Mae Bentley Krause.

And at the very end, also very traditional: »One moment in time.«

The new station was only visible through the participants: The "Ninja Warrior Germany" moderation team, completed by Laura Wontorra as the diving board and poolside reporter, and the athletes, who were naturally recruited from the station's personnel files.

That got really tiring, especially with the long-winded introductory films: when five of the ten individual jumpers were already involved in "Let's Dance" and everyone was allowed to tell them again how unexpectedly hard it was, and the rest of those involved were just as many jungle camp alumni, who are all allowed to tell again how exciting that was, there is a lot of redundant reporting and comparatively little jumping.

The off-voice comments of the clips, in which SchleFaZ presenter Peter Rütten occasionally intervened with irony sprinkles such as "na super" and "delicious" with a snip, were counterproductive in terms of mood - but only with those quasi-celebrities who are easy targets anyway, not with the apparently more respected ones like former handball player Pascal Hens or Paralympic athlete Mathias Mester.

That was irritating, because in a format like high diving, little heroic stories are actually supposed to be told, and it seems strange to beep half the jumpers' field as chatters and trumpeters.

In fact, it was precisely these little heroic and heroine moments that were the most fun in the sometimes somewhat long hours up to 12:30 a.m.

The fact that high-performance athletes such as the former gymnast Philipp Boy (who won the individual) and the "Ninja Warrior" greats Stefanie Edelmann and Moritz Hans (who won the synchronized jumping) would also perform well here is enough from the earlier ProSieben editions well-known and manageably exciting Fabian Hambüchen effect.

In memory, at least until Sunday noon, remains how well presenter Lola Weippert and her sister Charlotte harmonized, how surprisingly respectable Marc Terenzi and Jay Khan (even in their boy band and trash TV careers were quite synchronous) beat each other.

And above all, what a great performance YouTuber Jolina Mennen delivered.

Not only did she impress with the best poolside rhetoric ("Realistically, that was fucking hot"), but also showed a spectacularly courageous handstand somersault, tucked forward, from the 7.5-meter tower, thus securing second place in the single jump and pulled Frank Buschmann into an enthusiastic somersault into the pool.

Screaming streamer Knossi, who was eliminated in the first round after a splashed synchronized jump with Mesters, was led to the final for an honorary jump by Jan Köppen on the 10-meter tower.

“I used to only go to the pool for the mayonnaise.

For the chip salt, and for the mayonnaise,” he had beautifully summed up his lack of the urge to jump, which could also be the opening sentence in a retro-blissful pop novel.

Now, despite his greatest fear of heights, he let Köppen, who gently lured him in like a shy scared dog, tempt him to jump, mindful of Legat's lumbar dilemma while carefully holding his genital area.

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