The Limited Times

“We made the decision to exfiltrate the children”: after the storms, 7000 pilgrims welcomed to the Rambouillet racecourse

6/5/2022, 5:21:53 PM

One pilgrimage canceled and another reorganized due to bad weather. Over the weekend, law enforcement and state services

Augustine is 14 years old.

Originally from Paris (XI), he will attend a mass in Latin, this Monday afternoon, in Chartres (Eure-et-Loir).

This is his first "pele".

On the night of this Saturday to this Sunday, he slept on a farm, in Ablis (Yvelines).

It was not planned.

But the Paris-Chartres Pentecost pilgrimage in which this teenager is taking part was greatly disrupted by the violent storms this Saturday.

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