The Limited Times

Lebanese Defense Minister calls on the international community to deter Israeli violations

6/5/2022, 5:58:31 PM

Beirut, SANA- Minister of Defense in the Lebanese caretaker government, Maurice Selim, called on the international community and the United Nations


The Minister of Defense in the Lebanese caretaker government, Maurice Selim, called on the international community and the United Nations to move quickly to put an end to the aggressive Israeli practices against Lebanese sovereignty.

Selim said in a statement today, "Once again, Israel denies all international laws and norms and is trying to create a fait accompli on the Lebanese borders, especially as it thwarts the efforts being made to resume negotiations for the demarcation of the southern maritime borders, in which the United States plays the mediating role, which is being conducted under the auspices of the United Nations."

Selim stressed that the moves made by Israel in southern Lebanon constitute a flagrant breach of stability.

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