The Limited Times

A new episode of intense and widespread heat arrives, with maximums of up to 40 °

6/6/2022, 8:10:26 PM

The Bay of Biscay, where the thermometers will not go from 20° to 22°, will be the only area that is free from high temperatures, which will last at least until Sunday

The suffocating heat returns.

After a Sunday in which 37° were already reached in Xátiva (Valencia), temperatures will continue to rise progressively towards a new warm episode starting on Thursday.

In much of the Peninsula, the thermometers will mark more than 35 ° in a general way and will rise to 38 ° in the center and south and 40 ° in the Guadalquivir and Guadiana valleys.

These are maximum temperatures typical of midsummer, "between 5° and 10° above normal" for early June, warns Rubén del Campo, spokesman for the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

At night it will also be very hot, with the minimum between 3° and 5° above normal and with the so-called tropical nights, in which the thermometers do not drop below 20°, in the Mediterranean, the southern half, the central zone and the basin. of the Ebro. Only the Cantabrian,

where it will not go from 20° to 22°, it will get rid of the episode.

How long will it last?

Still uncertain, Del Campo points out that the episode "may begin to subside as of Sunday or Monday."

⚠️ Intense heat for the next few days.

As of Thursday, we will exceed 35 ºC in large areas of the Peninsula;

more than 30 - 32 ºC in the Balearic Islands and the south of the Canary Islands.

There will also be tropical nights, without going below 20 ºC.

It will be unusually high temperatures for the time of year.

– AEMET (@AEMET_Esp) June 6, 2022

The causes of this second warm period in less than a month, details the Aemet spokesman, are the sum of the "indigenous heat" with a warm subtropical air mass.

On the one hand, the heat here is responsible for the Azores anticyclone, which began to wedge itself into the Peninsula last Sunday and will settle down these days.

The high pressures cause atmospheric stability, which favors the fact that the sun, which is already very high in June, greatly heats the surface, which dries out, with which the heat is transmitted to the lower layers of the atmosphere.

As there is hardly any cloud cover, the sun shines for many hours, which increases heating, while atmospheric stability, with hardly any wind, will prevent that heat from being distributed.

In addition, within the high pressures, air drops from the middle and upper levels of the Troposphere towards the surface.

The air, going down, is compressed, which generates even more heat.

This own heat will have reinforcements for the weekend thanks to the arrival of very warm air from North Africa.

With these ingredients, the thermometers will skyrocket and the water will barely make an appearance, except in the extreme north and in mountain areas.

This Monday only light rains are expected in Galicia, Asturias and other points in the extreme north, while the environment will be sunny and with rising temperatures throughout the Peninsula, except in the Mediterranean area, where they will fall.

On Tuesday some light rain is not ruled out in the eastern Cantabrian and in the afternoon, scattered showers in the Pyrenees and the Iberian system.

In the rest of the country, clear skies and rising temperatures in the west, center and south of the Peninsula.

Cierzo and north wind will blow, so temperatures will drop slightly in the northeast and the Balearic Islands.

In the interior of Catalonia, which will exceed 34°, the same as in the southern third, with Córdoba,

Evolution of the surface situation for the next 72 hours,

– AEMET (@AEMET_Esp) June 6, 2022

On Wednesday, the skies will be slightly cloudy in general, although an inactive Atlantic front may leave some rains and showers, generally weak, in the west and north of Galicia, which may reach other parts of the Bay of Biscay and the Pyrenees.

Night temperatures will rise in the west of the Peninsula, while daytime temperatures will remain unchanged.

In Madrid and Zaragoza it will reach 33° and in Cuenca, Lleida and Granada, 36°/37°.

On Thursday and Friday, the rains will be limited to the extreme north and there will be some evolution clouds in the northeast, which will leave some intense storms in the Aragonese and Catalan Pyrenees.

“The most outstanding thing will be that the heat will tighten”, underlines the meteorologist, with temperatures that both days will rise in a general way, especially in the interior of the Peninsula.

On Thursday they will go from 34 ° / 35 ° in much of the northeast, center and south and, on Friday, also in the North plateau and in the interior of the Balearic Islands.

They will touch or exceed 40° in points of the Guadiana and Guadalquivir such as Badajoz or Córdoba, it will be 37°/38° in Toledo and Ciudad Real and 36° in Madrid.

At night, tropical night in the Mediterranean, southern half and central area.

Only the Cantabrian area will escape from this situation of intense heat, where the atmosphere will even be "fresh" for the time, with maximums of 20° in Santander and San Sebastián.

Saturday and Sunday will also be very hot, with climbs in the north and west.

It will go from 35 ° in much of the interior of the peninsula and will reach 40 ° in the Guadiana and Guadalquivir.

Tropical nights will continue in the Mediterranean and the center and south of the Peninsula and some stormy showers may occur in the western third.

The thermal relief will begin on Monday, especially in the western half, although it will continue to be intensely hot in the east and in Balares.

In the Canary Islands, temperatures will also rise in the coming days, with 30°/32° in the south of the islands.

The archipelago will have generally slightly cloudy skies, punctuated by some clouds in the north of the more mountainous islands.

Dust in suspension will also arrive, which will worsen the quality of the air.

I open a thread with the maps planned for today and the next three days.

#Maximum Temperatures expected from today Sunday June 5th to Wednesday June 8th.

More variables and longer period of time at:


– CésarRgzBallesteros (@crballesteros) June 5, 2022