The Limited Times

In a bright green dress, Pippa Middleton fully displays her third pregnancy during the jubilee

6/6/2022, 10:52:10 AM

Present to pay tribute to Elizabeth II during her platinum jubilee, Kate Middleton's sister made a very noticeable appearance on Saturday, June 4.

Pippa Middleton is about to expand her family.

Saturday June 4, Kate's sister was spotted in the stands of the giant Buckingham concert, as part of Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee.

The latter surprised everyone by displaying a round belly of several months, in an elegant green dress.

The 38-year-old Englishwoman is expecting her third child.

With her husband James Matthews, they are already the happy parents of Arthur, 3 years old and Grace, one year old.

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Pippa Middleton, during the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II.

(London, June 4, 2022.) Getty Images

Size concert

Pippa Middleton therefore attended the concert in tribute to the 96-year-old sovereign, during which the British were able to attend the performances of Alicia Keys, Elton John, Queen and Adam Lambert and even Rod Stewart.

Nearly 22,000 people were present on the spot.

On the grandstand side, the entire royal family was there, including Prince William and Prince Charles, except the Queen.

Elizabeth II had to stay away from the event after complaining of "discomfort".

She reappeared on Sunday June 5, at the end of the grand final parade, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Like Pippa Middleton, she opted for a bright green outfit, a color as a sign of hope.