The Limited Times

Lateral thinker couple wants to present themselves at short notice

6/6/2022, 7:16:38 PM

According to SPIEGEL information, the unconventional couple, who secretly brought two children from previous relationships to Paraguay, are about to turn themselves in. Husband and wife have contacted lawyers.

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The wanted poster released in Paraguay


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The drama about the girls who were secretly brought to Paraguay seems to be coming to an end.

The girls, Lara from Munich and Clara from Essen, disappeared more than half a year ago.

Andreas Egler and his wife Anna, both of whom belong to the lateral thinker milieu, brought the girls, who came from previous relationships, to South America against the will and knowledge of the other parents.

The reason given was that they wanted to "protect" the children from compulsory masks and vaccinations.

On May 28, DER SPIEGEL made the case public.

A few days later, the authorities in Paraguay launched a public manhunt for the couple and the children, of whom there had been no sign of life since their disappearance.

The Egler couple responded to the public search and the corresponding pressure with a video after their car was found abandoned in the border area of ​​Paraguay and Argentina.

In the video, the couple urged authorities to stop the search.

The lawyers for Anne Reiniger and Filip Blank, from whom the children had been snatched, called for a dialogue in favor of the ten and eleven-year-old children after the video appeared.

"This dialogue now exists," says lawyer Ingo Bott from Essen.

Late on Friday evening, German time, the Eglers, who are being sought with an international arrest request, first contacted Reiniger's and Blank's lawyers.

The communication ran via the encrypted messenger service Threema.

"It was my impression that they clearly understood that continuing the escape situation was no longer an option," Bott continued.

There was contact between the lawyers, the parents and the children;

the talks are said to have lasted several hours.

"Everyone involved is interested in finding a constructive and good solution that will end the children's life on the run in the short term," said lawyer Bott on Monday evening.

Since then, work has been done to "find a meaningful way back to Germany, where the children are heard and official decisions are made".

Translated, this means that the couple will present themselves together with the children and, if possible, leave for Germany.

Talks are currently underway at the German Embassy, ​​and the Paraguayan public prosecutor's office is also involved.

Child abduction: Imprisonment for up to five years possible

Child abduction is punishable by up to five years in prison.

Filip Blank told SPIEGEL a few days ago that he would not be interested in criminal prosecution: "Of course it would be nicer not to have to ask such questions in the first place.

In the end, however, criminal prosecution is only the second-best idea, Plan B.« Plan A must be to get his daughter out of the conspiracy environment together with her mother and »to find a solution together«.

It is expected that the wanted persons will appear within the next few hours or days at the latest.

The case is not legally closed.