The Limited Times

VIDEO. 40 hours in police custody: Alizée, the activist who tied her neck to the Roland-Garros net tells

6/6/2022, 6:34:19 PM

The environmental activist who had attached herself to the net of the Central de Roland-Garros in the middle of the men's semi-final looks back on her 40 hours of

9:15 p.m. this Friday, June 3.

After 2:03 of the match in the middle of the Ruud-Cilic semi-final, a young woman jumped from the boxes on the center court.

No one saw her coming, especially not the overwhelmed security guards.

She clings her neck to the net, kneels in front of the two players who are quickly escorted back to the locker room as a safety measure.

The young woman wore a white t-shirt on which it was written in marker: “we have 1028 day left” (We have 1028 days left).

The game resumed after a few minutes of interruption.

For Alizée, 22, it was the start of 40 hours in police custody.

We met the Last Renovation activist when she left, tested but determined.

How was your detention?

What happened in custody?

Time, lots of time.

I was sent to a first police station at 9:30 p.m.

Afterwards, I was told that they were going to send me to another place because they could not accommodate me.

Finally, I stayed there until 6 am.

At 6 o'clock I was sent to another place until 9 o'clock and at 9 o'clock I was still somewhere else, until midnight.

And afterwards, I arrived at 1 o'clock in court for the sentence.

Why such measures in your opinion?

I think they weren't quite sure how to respond to the media coverage of the action.

I think it's also to scare us, to prevent other Last Renovation people from doing this kind of thing.

It's a bit to discourage us on that.

"To show the absolute horror towards which we are being led"

Have we filed a complaint against you?

So far, no one has filed a complaint.

Since I was in police custody for 40 hours, I could hear a lot of things being said.

There will certainly be a complaint against me.

But so far I haven't had any mail in my mailbox.

What was the objective of your action?

It was finals weekend and my goal was to look away to show the absolute horror we are being brought to.

It's a world where tennis will no longer exist.

Why 1028 days?

We sent an ultimatum to the government, we gave him a month, he didn't answer.

So on March 28, 2022 we entered into civil resistance.

It is from there that we put this count.

The 1,028 days are a way of saying that we only have a very small window of action left to react.

It's not that we're all going to die in 1,028 days, it's just that now, today, we have to do something.

It is today that we must enter into civil resistance.

Concretely, what are your demands?

We made a simple demand to the government: the thermal renovation of buildings.

It is a completely consensual request at the environmental but also social level.

And for us, if the government does not even put that in place, we know very well that we are sent to the slaughterhouse.

Some time ago, I had blinders too and I was not looking reality in the face.

It was only when I saw the direction in which we are being led that I really acted.

I understand that other people cannot understand my act because they are not aware.

And if they knew, they would do as much as I did.