The Limited Times

Bac 2022: D-7 before the home straight of the tests

6/7/2022, 2:29:46 PM

709,399 king exam candidates are in the starting blocks. The tests start on June 14 for the pro sector, before, for the g track

Stress is mounting for 709,399 candidates for the general (381,222 students), technological (141,978 students) and professional (186,200 students) baccalaureate.

After the specialty tests passed in mid-May, it's time for the rest of the exam, in a short week!

From Tuesday, June 14, students on the pro track start their three weeks of tests with that of French, history-geography and moral and civic education (EMC), followed, on June 15, by the terminals in general and technological sector, which will work on the queen test, philosophy.

On June 16, place for French writing for the first in the general and technological sector, before the start of the big oral – the other great novelty of the Blanquer version baccalaureate, with the specialty tests – scheduled for June 20, and which must last until July 1.

Main thing to remember: it will be "the first time" that the new formula baccalaureate, which has installed 40% of continuous control in the final notation, will be held without cancellation of tests due to Covid-19, recalls Édouard Geffray, the general director of school education (Dgesco).

In 2020, the entire diploma had been assessed on school report cards and, last year, the specialty tests, which are still worth 32% of the mark, had been canceled to be assessed by continuous assessment.

This year, the candidates only had to undergo a postponement of the specialties, originally scheduled for mid-March.

- 1.6% of candidates for the professional baccalaureate

On the logistical side, the almost 3000 examination center establishments will for the most part send their non-candidate students home from June 11, in order to prepare the examination rooms.

And in total, 64,050 teachers will be responsible for correcting copies or officiating as a jury for French orals and the grand oral.

Tariff of their remuneration: 5 euros gross per corrected copy and 9.60 euros per hour of oral, “whatever the discipline”, specifies the Dgesco.

Read alsoBac 2022: "Because of the Covid, I lost a month of lessons" ... the fear of high school students as the exam approaches

Interestingly this year, the number of candidates for the bac pro is down significantly by 1.6%.

It is less noticeable for the general stream (-0.7%) and on the rise for the technological stream (+0.2%).

Why fewer suitors?

“It is first linked to demographic effects, there are fewer candidates of age to pass their baccalaureate”, estimates Édouard Geffray, who says he is waiting for “a precise study” from Depp, the statistical department of Education. national, on the subject.

According to him, the smaller number of candidates on the professional path would be due "to a better success rate" and therefore "to fewer repeaters", but also, in a "context of strong economic recovery, to high school students who go to work without wait until they graduate.

Beyond the figures, it remains to be seen whether or not this great first will be marred by hiccups, like those we experienced during the specialty tests three weeks ago.

Several heads of establishments had raised concerns when scanning the copies – the correction being dematerialized, all the copies are digitized in the wake of the test, within the examination center, then sent to the correctors.

No "funnel effects" for the great oral promises the ministry

For the ministry, "no worries" this time.

"In May, between the first day of scanning the copies, Wednesday evening, and Friday, we scanned more than 99% of the copies and paired them with a corrector", explains Édouard Geffray, who recalls that the logistics were on 1.3 million copies.

“We actually had a technical problem for two hours, following a human error on Thursday evening, but the rest went well, he continues.

I would add that it's much simpler this time: there are only copies of philosophy and French, and not the 13 specialties.


Same topo for the grand oral, for which the rue de Grenelle swears that there will be no "funnel effects" this year, which had clogged the examination centers and rotted the test of some here and there during the 2020-2021 session.

Errors in calling teachers had been noted in several academies, among others.

“We were more in a period of Covid, and this ordeal is spread over ten days”, tries to reassure Édouard Geffray.

Read alsoResults of the Bac: the hours of publication by academy

Finally, and this is another big "first", at least for two years and the start of the health crisis, the results will be displayed physically in high schools on July 5, and no longer only available on the Net.

The catch-up session will take place immediately after.