The Limited Times

C right: Salvini, premier? Who takes a vote more

6/7/2022, 1:58:43 PM

"Whoever takes one more vote will indicate the prime minister, if he takes it the Lega will take responsibility for the case". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 07 - "Whoever takes an extra vote will indicate the prime minister, if he takes it the Lega will take responsibility for the case".

This was stated by the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, interviewed in the foreign press in Rome, asking a chigli if he will be the next prime minister in the event of a victory for the center-right.

Then, to the same question about Giorgia Meloni: "Chiprende one more vote in democracy wins", he reiterated.

    "My opponents - he continued - are on the left. GiorgiaMeloni has chosen the path of the opposition and this legitimate choice pays more in the short term than being in government withLetta, Renzi and Conte. But I am the opposition League that grows polls and leaves free field to the left to raise taxes I didn't want it ".


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