The Limited Times

Cleaning garden upholstery: which home remedies will help you

6/7/2022, 2:52:38 PM

Comfortable garden cushions should not be missing when lounging on the balcony or terrace. At the same time, you should clean them regularly – for example with household products.

Comfortable garden cushions should not be missing when lounging on the balcony or terrace.

At the same time, you should clean them regularly – for example with household products.

When the weather is nice, there is almost nothing better than enjoying the sun on your patio or balcony.

It becomes even more comfortable if the outdoor furniture is equipped with matching upholstery.

With regular use or damp storage, however, it does not take long for the first stains to form on the material - so you should clean your garden cushions regularly.

How to clean your garden upholstery with home remedies

Most garden cushions are very easy to clean.

High-quality seat covers, for example, have an


that repels surface dirt and prevents water from penetrating the upholstery.

It is therefore often sufficient to remove the loose dirt or dust with a brush.

If the covers of your garden cushions are removable, you can wash them in the washing machine, following the care instructions.

As a rule, you should use a mild detergent and select a gentle wash at no more than 30 degrees.


Garden cushions take a beating over time.

This is where home remedies can help.

© Karen Kaspar/Imago

Clean garden upholstery by hand

If the covers on your garden cushions cannot be removed,

hand washing

is the only option .

How to proceed:

  • First, beat out the upholstery and dust or vacuum off the coarse dirt.

  • Fill a bathtub with lukewarm water and add some mild detergent.

    If the water is too hot, you run the risk of the fabric contracting or pillows becoming deformed.

    Wear gloves to protect your hands - especially if you have allergies.

  • Place the garden cushion in the tub and let it soak in the water for about two hours.

  • You can also work on stubborn stains with a brush and gall soap until they are gone.

  • Then rinse the garden upholstery with clean water until there is no more soap residue.

  • Leave the garden cushion outdoors on a drying rack.

    It is best to choose a sunny day for cleaning so that the upholstery can dry sufficiently.

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This is how the balcony plants survive your vacation

Mold stains: Clean garden upholstery with home remedies


stains are spreading

on your beautiful garden cushions?

Then you should first brush the surfaces thoroughly.

Then take the

lemon juice

and rub the liquid carefully with gloves on the stains.


can also

help get rid of mold, but try it on an inconspicuous area first.

Darker or colored materials in particular can be damaged by the bleach.

If your upholstery still has a moldy smell afterwards, clean it with vinegar water: Simply mix a quarter liter of vinegar with two tablespoons of vinegar and apply to the affected areas.


List of rubrics: © Karen Kaspar/Imago