The Limited Times

Fire in Mallorca: Families apparently put together 500,000 euros for damage

6/7/2022, 2:17:57 PM

They were on holiday with their bowling club – and found themselves in Spanish custody on suspicion of arson. Now their families have apparently collected money. To show goodwill, as the saying goes.

Enlarge image

A cloud of smoke rises from the fire in the restaurant "Why Not" (May 20, 2022)

Photo: 5vision / dpa

According to their lawyer, the families of the 13 German vacationers suspected of causing arson in Mallorca have pooled 500,000 euros for joint and several liability.

Lawyer Raban Funk announced that the money would soon be deposited with the Spanish judiciary.

The suspects, twelve of whom were still in custody on Tuesday, wanted to confirm their willingness to cooperate, according to a statement.

The Spanish investigating magistrate had set the sum.

According to media reports, the Germans are men between the ages of 24 and 29 who belong to a bowling club in Münster.

Last Thursday, the judge lifted the pre-trial detention of four of the Germans against payment of bail of 12,000 euros each.

The young men would probably be released shortly as soon as the funds transferred from Germany on Friday were received by the Spanish judiciary.

This was delayed because of the Pentecost holidays, the lawyer wrote.

A 13th suspect was released without conditions because he was apparently able to prove that he was in the shower during the fire, as the "Mallorca Zeitung" reported.

Eight suspects remain in custody

It is unclear how long the other eight suspects, whom the judge refused to release on bail, will have to remain in custody and whether charges will be filed.

Pre-trial detention in Spain can last months or up to four years.

The young Germans have now received a visit from two pastors and a representative of the German consulate, as reported by WDR.

The suspects are accused of starting a fire near the shooter on May 20.

They threw burning cigarettes and alcohol from the balcony of their hotel room onto the thatched roof of the terrace of a restaurant below.

The roof caught fire and two pubs, an apartment and parts of the restaurant were damaged.

Two people suffered minor injuries.

The young people deny setting the fire.
