The Limited Times

USA: 7 states to vote for Midterm primaries, eyes on California

6/7/2022, 4:46:59 PM

New round of primaries in the US in view of the Midterm elections in November, when a third of the Senate and the entire Chamber will be renewed, but mayors, prosecutors and governors will also be chosen. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, JUN 07 - New round of US primaries in view of the Midterm elections in November, when a third of the Senate and the entire House will be renewed, but mayors, prosecutors and governors will also choose.

Seven states are voting (California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota) although eyes are on the Golden State in particular.

    Here the polls are a test for the DEMs on their policies (so far ineffective) against growing crime and for the Republicans on the eligibility of those who are not aligned with Donald Trump.

An important test will be the challenge for the mayor of Los Angeles: on the one hand the liberal candidate Karen Bass, who focuses on social interventions to prevent violence, on the other the billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso, a former republican supported by Elon Musk who wants to react against crime and the homeless phenomenon.

   Still on the subject of the fight against crime, the electorate's orientation will also be understood by the 'recall' in San Franciso and Los Angeles to revoke two prosecutors considered too lenient, Chesa Boudin and George Gascon.

On the public front, attention is on what will happen in the Orange county, where outgoing MP Young Kim, first American-Korean in Congress and considered one of the new faces of the party, will be challenged from the right by former top gun GregRaths, a fanatic of Trump accused of anti-Semitic comments.

   A similar test for outgoing MP David Valado, one of the 10 Republicans who voted for the impeachment of the former president: the tycon did not give the endoresment to his challenger Chris Mathys, who however campaigned by aligning himself with Trump.

    Other Republican primaries include those in Iowa of Senator Chuck Grassley, who at 88 is looking for his eighth term, and in South Dakota those of the outgoing governor Kristi Noem, a possible presidential candidate in 2024.
