The Limited Times

In June you should fertilize the lawn for a lush green

6/8/2022, 2:12:37 PM

Gardening in June: Fertilize the lawn now to make it really green Created: 08/06/2022, 16:00 By: Joana Lück Don't you have to take care of your lawn in the summer? Far from it, because June is the perfect time to fertilize it again. Munich – The center of every garden is a beautiful, well-kept lawn in a lush green. To achieve this, you should fertilize it again in June. Gardening in June: Fer

Gardening in June: Fertilize the lawn now to make it really green

Created: 08/06/2022, 16:00

By: Joana Lück

Don't you have to take care of your lawn in the summer?

Far from it, because June is the perfect time to fertilize it again.

Munich – The center of every garden is a beautiful, well-kept lawn in a lush green.

To achieve this, you should fertilize it again in June.

Gardening in June: Fertilize the lawn now to make it really green

Lawns should definitely be fertilized in summer.

(Iconic image) © Bugnin/Imago

However, the basis for fertilizing the lawn is scarifying.

According to the Norddeutscher Rundfunk ("NDR"), a layer of thatch, plant debris and weeds prevents light, water and nutrients from penetrating to the grass roots.

As a consequence, plant roots die off and the lawn turns brown and unsightly, according to NDR.

Here are some tips to keep in mind in June:

  • Be sure to use organic fertilizers in June, as mineral fertilizers combined with lots of sun can lead to burnout.

    Also pay attention to organic quality, so that children and animals can go straight back onto the lawn after fertilizing.

  • Long-term fertilizers are ideal, as nutrients and trace elements are constantly released.

    According to the NDR, you should calculate 30 grams per square meter of lawn as a guideline.

  • In a particularly hot July or August, on the other hand, you should avoid fertilizing, as the lawn is on the back burner during these months and needs fewer nutrients anyway.

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Egg shells are also an excellent organic fertilizer.

Beer and coffee grounds also have a reputation for being a good, cheap alternative to traditional fertilizers.

Make sure that you fertilize when the weather is as humid as possible and there is little sunlight.

The cooler evening hours are better suited than midday.

After applying the fertilizer, thorough watering is the be-all and end-all!