The Limited Times

In the dining room The most beautiful day, remake with Luca and Paolo

6/8/2022, 12:23:41 PM

In the cast of the film by Andrea Zalone, De Martino and Cicogna (ANSA) Beware of remakes. Especially when the original is full of rhythm and is called C'EST LA VIE - TAKE IT AS IT COMES by Éric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, directors of ALMOST FRIENDS and king of the French feel-good movie. Despite this THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY by Andrea Zalone, in the hall from 9 June with 01, accepted the challenge and while tracing that award-winning comedy with great courage, only

Beware of remakes.

Especially when the original is full of rhythm and is called C'EST LA VIE - TAKE IT AS IT COMES by Éric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, directors of ALMOST FRIENDS and king of the French feel-good movie.

Despite this THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY by Andrea Zalone, in the hall from 9 June with 01, accepted the challenge and while tracing that award-winning comedy with great courage, only rarely manages to recreate his magic.

And this despite the proven couple of Luca and Paolo and the cameo of Carlo Buccirosso.

    The protagonist of the film Aurelio (Paolo Kessisoglu), wedding-planner of the family business, 'The most beautiful day', a fifty-year-old who is at a turning point.

In love with Serena (Valeria Bilello), his collaborator, he wants to give up everything to sail the oceans on a sailboat.

But, before doing all this, he has two missions: to sell his company and to convince Serena to divorce Giorgio (Luca Bizzarri), who has always been a friend of him.

When a possible buyer comes forward, Doctor Musso (Carlo Buccirosso), Aurelio just has to organize the last wedding of his career, the one between two offspring of the upper class, Pier (Stefano De Martino) and Chiara (Fiammetta Stork).

    However, on the day of the reception, he discovers that the bride's father is Musso himself.

So what should have been a routine party must turn into the wedding of the century.

Will the shabby company of collaborators of the company be able to accomplish the feat?

This is the team: Adele (Violante Placido), Aurelio's assistant always on the verge of a nervous breakdown;

Billy (Lodo Guenzi), failed singer who had an affair with his bride and, finally in the kitchen, a Brancaleone army on the verge of a revolt.

    The most beautiful day is an Oplon Film and IBC Movie production with Rai Cinema in participation with 102 Distribution.

    "I was asked to do an Italian adaptation and with Fabio Bonifacci we worked hard on the project. Oh well - says, putting his hands forward, the TV director on his debut at the cinema -, I'm not a megalomaniac, they asked me and I did it having some fantastic teammates. "

    Were there any problems?

"I use Xanax - explains Zalone jokingly - and so I have overcome everything. Bonifacci and I did not ask ourselves the problem of a comparison with the original film, but we accepted it because it is nice to experiment and for the fact that I have been chewing a bit for years 'of comedy. Anyway, I completely chose the casting ".

    On the other hand, De Martino said on his debut in the cinema: "The director immediately put us at ease and then it was nice to be someone else. Of course my character is unbearable, but he has an unconscious comedy on his side".

    "Who is the photographer I play? He is a man who lets himself be passed over the horns with extreme serenity", says Luca Bizzarri.

Equally explicit Paolo Kessisoglu in speaking of Aurelio: "he is someone who at fifty discovers he has never decided anything and wants to change things".