The Limited Times

Max Planck Society: Former institute director calls for stricter controls

6/8/2022, 6:47:50 PM

In a dispute with the Max Planck Society, former director Nicole Boivin publicly follows up: In a letter to the Ministry of Education, the archaeologist demands more state control.

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Nicole Boivin in Jena in September 2016

Photo: Sven Döring / laif

In the dispute with her former employer, the renowned archaeologist Nicole Boivin now expresses herself in an open letter - and calls for stricter control of the Max Planck Society (MPG).

In a letter to Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP), Boivin criticized the lack of supervision by the federal and state governments: "There does not seem to be any effective supervision of the company's procedures or compliance with the regulations."

The MPG is one of the most important research institutions in the world, is publicly funded and has a budget of almost two billion euros a year.

Boivin had to vacate her post as director of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena in the spring after a long dispute, which was also fought out in court.

The MPG accused her of bullying employees and badly mentoring students.

In addition, she is said to have taken over a colleague's research project in an »unethical way«.

Boivin protests against all allegations.

After the MPG had already confirmed at the end of the year that Boivin would lose her post as director, 145 women in management positions wrote an open letter to the Max Planck Society and criticized the fact that women were usually viewed more critically than men.  

investigation over two years

In her current letter, Boivin accuses the MPG of reacting incorrectly when someone is accused of scientific and non-scientific misconduct;

dealing with allegations is accompanied by conflicts of interest, bias and legal shortcomings.

Boivin himself complained about two colleagues, and two weeks later they were investigated.

"During the two-year investigation, I received no information about my alleged wrongdoing," writes Boivin.

"My alleged guilt was determined on the basis of anonymous allegations to which I was unable to respond with adequate answers, evidence or testimonies." However, the President of the MPG, Martin Stratmann, never seriously dealt with her complaint about the two colleagues, writes Boivin.

The MPG contradicts this representation.

Nicole Boivin has had several opportunities to comment on the allegations.

In addition, her complaint had also been thoroughly examined.

The archaeologist accuses the MPG of not applying established complaints procedures.

Her case illustrates the pitfalls that arise when a powerful organization is tasked with self-policing, she writes.

The scientist calls on the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to introduce supervision of research organizations in Germany.

They should commit to national standards for dealing with allegations of misconduct.

Female leaders should be evaluated impartially.

And: A new supervisory body should ensure that the standards are complied with.

The MPG says that the central decision-making body of the research organization is the Senate.

He makes decisions »in particular when appointing and dismissing institute directors«.

It is made up of members from politics, business and science, i.e. primarily "external members".

In addition, the Federal Court of Auditors, together with the Bavarian Court of Auditors, reviewed the governance and compliance mechanisms in the MPG last year.

The Ministry of Education says only briefly about the open letter: »The BMBF does not carry out any legal or technical supervision of the Max Planck Society.

The Max Planck Society is a scientifically self-governing research organization." The Ministry is not responsible for the procedures and compliance rules of the Max Planck Society and also for expulsion from an institute's management, but the organization itself.
