The Limited Times

Orlando, vote for Pd? In 3 years 'dodged' tips right

6/8/2022, 4:29:23 PM

"Why vote the Democratic Party in these municipalities? Because it is the force that at this moment has taken on the responsibility of pulling the country out of a very difficult situation, because I believe that it is the party that has headed the theme of the fight against inequalities. .. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ANCONA, 08 JUN - "Why vote the Democratic Party in these municipalities? Because it is the force that at this moment has taken on the responsibility of pulling the country out of a very difficult situation, because I believe that it is the party that has addressed the issue the fight against social inequalities and the defense of work ".

This is how the Minister of Labor and Social Policies Andrea Orlando replied, answering a question from reporters in Jesi on the sidelines of an initiative to support Lorenzo Fiordelmondo's candidacy for mayor.

    "I think there is one more reason: - he added - that in these two or three years we have done nothing of what the right suggested, that is, neither 'free everyone' during the pandemic, nor the battle against Europe when Europe was the only interlocutor to try to start again. I would always remind all the voters that the league and the Brothers of Italy - he concluded - are two political forces that voted against the PNRR in the European Parliament ".