The Limited Times

Waiting for the vote of the EU Parliament on polluting cars, green light in the balance

6/8/2022, 2:12:30 PM

Waiting for the vote of the MEPs. Tajani, 'the amendment that limits stop to 90% is approved' (ANSA)

 The vote on the car chapter as part of the climate package is scheduled for 5 pm


The vote, despite the series of references to other Fit for 55 dossiers, is confirmed and will concern the stop to the sale of petrol, LPG or diesel cars from 2035. The risk is that this chapter of the climate package will not pass, as it is happened for the reform of the Ets system.

On the stop to internal combustion cars, however, the EPP is opposed, which presented an amendment that reduces the stop to 90% of polluting emissions.

    "To say no to this amendment means to lose hundreds of thousands of jobs in Italy. Sorry that the left has forgotten what industrial policy means", underlines the vice president of the EPP Antonio Tajani.

Emissions cut, EU parliament to vote on cars, carbon tax and CO2 - Standards and Institutions

The main innovations contained in the climate package (ANSA)