The Limited Times

16 landscape observations won benches with the works of Yoram Taharlev - Walla! Tourism

6/9/2022, 3:31:01 PM

Yoram Taharlev passed away at the beginning of the year, and his songs now receive a charming commemoration in the form of 16 benches in spectacular vantage points combined with his lyrics. Details at Walla! Tourism

16 landscape observations were given to the benches with the works of Yoram Taharlev

Yoram Taharlev passed away earlier this year, and his songs, which have become an integral part of the landscapes of our country, are now commemorated charmingly in the form of 16 benches in spectacular vantage points combined with his lyrics.

"The project was born out of the understanding that a bench is more than a place to stop to sit," says the gesture initiator

Ziv Reinstein


Thursday, 09 June 2022, 17:19 Updated: 17:39

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Inspirational benches with the works of Yoram Taharlev (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority)

Yoram Taharlev, poet, songwriter, writer and composer passed away at the beginning of 2022. Taharlev wrote close to 1,000 songs performed by the best Israeli artists, including many classics that have become an asset to Israeli culture.

His songs, which have become an integral part of the landscapes of our country, have been incorporated into a new project at the beautiful sites in Israel in the north of the country by the Nature and Parks Authority, including particularly spectacular scenic views.

The songs, were placed on benches on 16 paths through overlooking a landscape that unfolds to those sitting on it.

As part of the hike route, hikers can read excerpts from the poetry and have an inspiring discourse.

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16 benches on 16 paths leading to a view (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Palchi Miara)

"Festive bench" in Baram National Park (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Plachi Miara)

"The position of the bench must be perfect"

Sarit Palchi Miara, in charge of visitors and the experience of visiting the Nature and Parks Authority, spoke about the project she set up.

"When we go for a walk, we have the choice: where to walk, with whom to walk and where to stop and let the feet and head rest. On many paths we meet a bench in the middle of the road and usually the position of the bench must be perfect. "To be accurate for the experience of visiting the place. In placing the bench there was a lot of thought, some of the benches are accessible, the height is fixed, the back of the bench is comfortable and together with the technical issue - its location is accurate.

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Flachi Miara with one of the benches in the Golan (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Flachi Miara)

Each bench with its own uniqueness.

Green bench (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Palchi Miara)

"Then came the exciting moment"

Plachi Miara said that the project was born out of the understanding that a bench is more than a place to stop to sit.

"It has an invitation to rest and only through stopping all the activities around us do we manage to enjoy the view, converse leisurely and gather strength to continue the trip," she says.

During the project, 16 sites with existing benches were carefully selected.

"One bench for access is in front of another bench that is far from the hustle and bustle of the site, in a variety of sites - nature reserves next to national parks, and for a variety of hikers - those who come to an ancient synagogue, in front of those who come to a Christian prayer house.

Each bench with its uniqueness. With the uniqueness, each site with the connection to space, nature and the air outside, "she adds.

"After choosing the benches, I contacted Daniel, the son of the creator Yoram Taharlev, and asked his permission to include next to each bench one of his father's special texts in which he expresses the Land of Israel. Then came the exciting moment - to connect everything - a bench, a website

To connect everything - a bench, a website, a text and a conversation "(Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Palchi Miara)

Some of the benches are accessible (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Palchi Miara)

"Create an invitation to a conversation or points for thought"

Dr. Sheva Shalmon, a communication clinician who believed in the connection between the songs and the conversation to the place, said: “I realized that the project requires two goals from me.

One - matching a song by Yoram Taharlev to where the bench is and the other, creating an invitation to a conversation or points for thought between those sitting on the bench.

Friends, couples, families.

As a communication clinician it is important for me to promote conversation and connection between people, whether it is in a room or on a trip.

Whether it's when walking or sitting on a bench.

I put before my eyes the importance of creating interaction and opportunities for conversation.

"In order to adapt the texts and topics of conversation, I conducted conversations and tours of the sites and with the webmasters, in which I discovered the world and the uniqueness of each site and especially the great love of the authority's people for the sites they run."

A bench in the Hof Habonim Nature Reserve (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Plachi Miara)

"Develop a close and engaging conversation"

Today there are 16 benches, in 16 sites, including 16 different works, by a special artist, and 16 different texts that invite for conversation.

"If you came to a site where there is an inspiration and conversation bench, where on it, look at the landscape, read the words of Yoram Taharlev for inspiration and if you feel beyond inspiration and observation, you want to talk, take the song in front of you to develop a close conversation between you and the place and landscapes of our country." , Says Palchi Miara.

The benches are placed in the following places:

1. Habonim Beach Nature Reserve

2. Tel Dor National Park

3. Nahal Maarot Nature Reserve

4. Tel Megiddo National Park

5. Ein Afek Nature Reserve

6. Beit Alfa

National Park 7. Beit She'an National Park

8. Garden To Uri Korazim

9. Yehiam National Park

10. Baram National Park

11. Horesh Tal National Park

12. Nahal Eyun

Nature Reserve 13. Gamla Nature Reserve

14. Kursi National Park

15. Hexagon Pool

Nature Reserve 16. Tel Dan Nature Reserve "Just before you get up and continue your trip, try to connect to the place and imagine what it will look like in the past


save, so that it will be in the future.

"On this land

, it expresses the purpose of preserving nature, landscape and heritage in the Land of Israel," concludes Pelchi Miara.

Sea bench in Dor National Park (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority, Sarit Palchi Miara)

"Save the Land" / Yoram Taharlev

Take care of this land, the goats, the

deer and the deer,

the tigers, the wolves and the hyenas.

Take care of the eagles and the batsmen, take care of the

prey and the prey,

and the covetousness which we have first built.

Preserve this land from before


Preserve this land, the portion of the sea, and the

fishes, and the fishes.

On the reeds of the seagull, on the colonies of the corals, on the sea turtles which swim from Gibraltar to lay eggs on the shore of



Please take care of the sand, let us rest on our shores,

take care of this land,

from our face.

Preserve this land,

On the swords of Caesarea, on the sea of ​​Ashkelon,

from the sea, from the mighty Jeep, from the chariot.

Preserve the cistern of water, the mosaic and the press, the caves of

hiding, the fort, the fortress,

our children did not keep the city.

Preserve this land from before


I have





Please take good care of them for our sake,

take care of them, God,

from our face

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  • Benches

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