The Limited Times

Draghi appoints Bonaccini and Giani regasification commissioners

6/9/2022, 2:35:44 PM

The Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, signed the Dpcm appointing President Stefano Bonaccini and President Eugenio Giani as extraordinary commissioners for the regasifiers of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Tuscany Region, respectively. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 09 - The Prime Minister, MarioDraghi, has signed the Dpcm appointing President Stefano Bonaccini and President Eugenio Giani as extraordinary commissioners for the regasifiers of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Tuscany Region, respectively.

"The works will be aimed at increasing national storage and gasification capacity by means of floating units and will be connected to the existing transport networks at the regional level", explains Palazzo Chigi.