The Limited Times

Eng: Altavilla, no slippage, sale by June

6/9/2022, 6:48:02 PM

The request for more information about the company and the fact that a defined price has not been indicated but a gap in the offers for Ita Airways by Msc-Lufthansa and the Certares fund is part of the "normal process" of sales, if ... (HANDLE)

The request for more information about the company and the fact that a defined price has not been indicated but a gap in the offers for Ita Airways by Msc-Lufthansa and the Certares fund is part of the "normal process" of sales, according to the president of Ita, Alfredo Altavilla.

"The timing has absolutely not changed," said the president, answering a question in the press reports about a possible slowdown in buyers.

    No slippage, guarantees the top manager, explaining that the date for the conclusion of the operation remains within June.

The president of Ita Airways, Alfredo Altavilla, sees "some progress" on the question of call center workers but "I think the solution is still a long way off", he said at the end of the Coviasan discussion at the Ministry of Labor, which was updated see you tomorrow and could close in the next few days.

When asked if a possible solution could cover all the more than 500 workers at risk of dismissal, the president replied: "I focus on mine, I hope to bring home those I need and I need quickly".

According to union sources, the solution is near for the 522 workers at risk of being sacked after the breakdown of the relationship between Covisian and Ita Airways.

The table at the Ministry of Labor with the unions, the top management of the airline, Covisian and Almaviva,