The Limited Times

Formula 1: a gay driver on the grid, Vettel convinced that the paddock is "ready" to accept him

6/9/2022, 10:13:11 AM

LE SCAN SPORT – The four-time Formula 1 world champion, who made the front page of the gay magazine Attitude, is convinced that his discipline is now ready to welcome a homosexual pilot into its ranks.

Very committed to societal issues and in particular to the subject of the environment and global warming, Sebastian Vettel made the cover of Gay Attitude magazine.

The opportunity for the quadruple world champion to raise the issue of homosexuality in sport and more specifically in Formula 1. The Aston Martin team driver is convinced of this, the paddock is now able to accommodate a gay pilot, which was not necessarily the case until recently.


Maybe it wasn't the case in the past but I think today a gay driver would be welcomed and that's normal

“, estimated the German, convinced that a coming out, if it were to take place, would contribute to transforming mentalities a little more in a world of motor sports deemed to be quite hermetic on these questions.

To discover

  • Formula 1: the calendar for the 2022 season

  • Formula 1: manufacturers' classification

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I think a gay driver would help speed up the elimination of prejudice and help push our sport in a better direction.

Sebastian Vettel

I think a gay driver would help speed up the elimination of prejudice and help push our sport in a better direction.

So I think and I hope our sport would be ready for one

,” added Vettel, who drew a parallel between Formula 1 and football, two mediums that have long defended a “


” but distorted image of man. .


I imagine it's somewhat similar to the situation in a sport like football: the old image of a player or driver as a "hero" who should fit a certain set of criteria.

But the judging criteria are simply wrong.

How are these stereotypes related to performance?

Who should decide?

It takes enormous courage to show your true personality rather than hiding behind a façade based on what people expect

,” added the former Red Bull and Ferrari driver.

This is not the first time that Sebastian Vettel has taken a stand in defense of LGBT rights.

On the occasion of the 2021 Hungarian Grand Prix, the German had displayed his disagreement with the position of the government in place to denounce discrimination against people living in this community and a bill aimed at "

prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality or sex change for minors.

Vettel, who appeared in a rainbow-coloured t-shirt, had been reprimanded by the FIA, which does not allow such a position in competition.

Valtteri Bottas, Carlos Sainz and Lance Stroll had also received a warning for not removing their "

We Race As One

" t-shirts soon enough.