The Limited Times

Historical Pact in Colombia: members, origin and best results in elections

6/9/2022, 10:53:59 PM

The Historical Pact is a union of seven movements and political parties whose objective is to achieve political change in Colombia so that the left governs the country from the 2022 elections.

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(CNN Spanish) --

The Historical Pact is a union of seven movements and political parties whose objective is to achieve political change in Colombia so that the left governs the country from the 2022 elections. Its visible leader at this time is the senator and presidential candidate Gustavo Petro.

These are some data of the Historical Pact.

Creation date:

February 11, 2021.

Political spectrum:

leftist and social democratic parties and movements.

Parties that make up:

The Historical Pact is made up of seven parties: Human Colombia, Patriotic Union-Communist Party, Alternative Democratic Pole, Alternative Indigenous and Social Movement (MAIS), Colombian Labor Party, Democratic Unity and We are all Colombia.

First elections:

The Historical Pact participated for the first time in the legislative elections and in the internal consultations of March 13, 2022.

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The creation of the Historical Pact

On February 11, 2021, Colombian actress Margarita Rosa de Francisco read manifesto 55/86 by which the country's leftist parties joined in the Historical Pact.

"Historic pact between those citizens who identify with the progressive, social democratic and truly liberal alternative sectors, which returns power to the people, which leads us to a true political transformation without makeup, which gives us an era of peace, which will never we have had, based on the premise that no Colombian can have an advantage over another when it comes to the possibility of being educated, employed, progressing, starting a business, breathing uncontaminated air or enjoying health," says the text with which inaugurated the Historical Pact in February 2021.


The call that was made at the beginning was for "social, feminist, Afro, peasant, youth organizations, to unite with indigenous life, with the excluded, dispossessed and in general with the citizens" of the country.

Petro and Hernández go to the second presidential round 0:47

What are the objectives of the Historical Pact?

On the day of its creation, seven left-leaning parties joined this Pact, whose purpose was to obtain 55 senators and 86 representatives in the Chamber for the general elections of 2022. (See the results below)

The reforms and political commitments to which the Historical Pact bets, which it calls "urgent reforms postponed by the establishment", according to the Manifesto of February 11, are:

  • Fully implement the peace agreements negotiated in Havana between the Government and the FARC.

  • Agrarian reform

  • Labor and pension reform

  • education reform

  • Reform of Law 100 to reform the right to health.

  • justice reform

  • Political reform

  • Promote an environmental legislative package to meet the goals of fighting climate change agreed in Paris in 2015.

  • Take care of the water and ban fracking and the exploitation of moors and National Natural Parks.

  • Bet on basic income for the poorest families

  • Boost the economy for entrepreneurs, by providing basic income for the most vulnerable.

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Election results

The first elections in which the Historic Pact was present were on March 13, 2022, obtaining historic results for the left.

In the first place, the Historical Pact carried out an internal consultation to elect a candidate for the presidency.

There 5 pre-candidates were measured at the polls with the following results:

Internal consulting

  • Gustavo Petro, from the Colombia Humana Political Movement — Patriotic Union: 4,487,551 votes (80.51%)

  • Francia Márquez of the Alternative Democratic Pole — 783,160 votes (14.05%)

  • Camilo Romero of the Patriotic Union Party Coalition and Broad Democratic Alliance "ADA" — 226,982 votes (4%)

  • Arelis Uriana of the Alternative Indigenous and Social Movement "MAIS" — 54,541 votes (0.97%)

  • Alfredo Saade of the Broad Democratic Alliance "ada" — 21,660 votes (0.38%)

The total number of votes in the internal consultation for the consultation of the Historical Pact was 5,573,894 votes.

Parliamentary election

In the legislative elections, the Historical Pact obtained a vote of 2.8 million votes, becoming the party with the most votes in those elections, above major voters such as the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party.

In the Senate, the Historical Pact obtained 20 seats.

In the House of Representatives, 31.

According to Petro after the legislative elections, the coalition "achieved the best result of progressivism in the history of Colombia."

Elections to the Presidency 2022

The Historical Pact won the first presidential round among six possible candidates, with 8,527,768 votes, or 40.3%, according to the results of the Registrar's Office.

This is a historic vote for a leftist party in Colombia, which has historically been governed by the right.

After Petro was the candidate Rodolfo Hernández, who signed up for the League of Anticorruption Governors, a political movement registered by signatures, which did not have the support of traditional parties until the first round.

Hernández obtained 28.15% of the votes, with 5,953,209 votes.


Some critics of the Historical Pact have rejected the adherence of politicians singled out for corruption or others who have passed through various parties with a broad political spectrum, ranging from Uribismo to joining Gustavo Petro (two political antagonists in Colombia), such as Armando Benedetti and Roy Barreras, who for at least 20 years have been in politics accompanying the presidents of the day.

Petro has welcomed all parties and politicians who want to join and conform to the principles of the Pact.

The Historical Pact was also criticized for leaving its lists closed in the elections to Congress, leaving some victims of violence in the last positions due to these lists, in which the candidates do not directly receive the votes, but rather the Party and are assigned. the seats by the order established internally.

In early 2022, the Historic Pact also came under heavy criticism from feminists, who said they had been excluded.

Petro has said that she is a defender of feminism and heading into the second round — and with the appointment of Francia Márquez as her vice-presidential ticket — she has tried to address those questions.

Elections ColombiaGustavo Petro