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No water to eat: What is the truth about the well-known rule?

6/9/2022, 1:53:24 PM

Better not to drink water with meals? Researchers clear up health myth Created: 06/09/2022, 15:42 By: Lucas Maier No water to eat - myth or real health tip? (Iconic image) © Paul Zinken/dpa No water with food: Almost everyone knows this parenting rule, but what is it really about? Is it a true diet tip or just a myth? Bonn – Drinking water is important, this fact should have made it into almo

Better not to drink water with meals?

Researchers clear up health myth

Created: 06/09/2022, 15:42

By: Lucas Maier

No water to eat - myth or real health tip?

(Iconic image) © Paul Zinken/dpa

No water with food: Almost everyone knows this parenting rule, but what is it really about?

Is it a true diet tip or just a myth?

Bonn – Drinking water is important, this fact should have made it into almost every upbringing by now.

However, the widespread myth that the elixir of life should not be ingested while eating persists in many families.

But what is it?

Does the water when eating have a negative effect on digestion or is it perhaps even beneficial?

The German Society for Nutrition in Bonn is now clearing up the myth.

Water with meals: A clear thing for Antje Gahl

For Antje Gahl, the graduate ecotrophologist of the Society for Nutrition, the matter is clear.

"The general statement that it is bad to drink before or during meals is not true," Gahl told

  • Positive effects of water on digestion:

  • It slides better:

    Water is the transport medium and solvent for the nutrients in the food.

  • Swelling effect:

    The water also supports the swelling of the chyme in the intestine.

  • Water instead of soft drinks:

    The calorie-containing sweet drinks provide an unnecessary extra portion of calories, so water should be used, especially with children.

  • Source: Antje Gahl

According to the nutritionist, drinking a glass of water while eating is actually good for your digestion.

Only before eating can excessive consumption of water lead to a premature feeling of satiety.

Video: With these 6 tricks you drink more water

Water as an important part of nutrition: These tips will help you drink enough

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture summarized how important water is for people in the brochure “Drink water – stay fit”.

Many find it difficult to drink enough water, so there are also some practical tips in it:

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  • Find out how much you drink:

    write down how much and what you drink for a few days.

  • Out of sight, out of mind:

    Always place drinks so that they are within sight

  • Water with meals:

    It is even recommended here to drink a glass of water with every meal.

  • Always have water with you:

    Always take a sufficient amount of water with you when travelling, driving or on excursions.

  • Electronic help:

    Be reminded to drink with the help of a drinking alarm clock or an app.

  • Source: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

The rule of thumb for adults is to drink around 1.5 liters of water per day.

While drinking too little water is harmful to the body, excess fluid is usually not a problem, according to the federal ministry.

So the widespread recommendation not to drink water with meals is a myth.

It would be better to teach children to listen to their bodies.

True to the motto: Whoever is thirsty should drink.

(Lucas Maier)

Various myths also surround vegan nutrition, and researchers have now unequivocally answered whether it is healthy.

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