The Limited Times

Yorkshire Terrier 'looks like a porcupine' - because of sofa

6/9/2022, 12:47:56 PM

"Like a Pokemon": Dog charges itself electrically Created: 06/09/2022, 2:35 p.m By: Jasmin Pospiech This Yorkshire Terrier makes not only his owner laugh, but the whole web. Because his hair stands on end in the truest sense of the word. USA – Everyone is laughing wrong, only the little Yorkshire terrier doesn't really know what's happening to him: A cute four-legged friend is going viral on s

"Like a Pokemon": Dog charges itself electrically

Created: 06/09/2022, 2:35 p.m

By: Jasmin Pospiech

This Yorkshire Terrier makes not only his owner laugh, but the whole web.

Because his hair stands on end in the truest sense of the word.

USA – Everyone is laughing wrong, only the little Yorkshire terrier doesn't really know what's happening to him: A cute four-legged friend is going viral on social networks.

And with a hearty action, for which he can actually do nothing!

After all, the cute four-legged friend just wants to romp around when his owner suddenly bursts out laughing!

He is very happy when the new sofa moves in.

With funny consequences.

"Like a Pokemon": Dog charges itself electrically

Apparently he's delighted with it and wants to try it out to see if it's as comfortable as it looks.

The four-legged friend jumps around on it until it happens: All of a sudden the hair of the Yorkshire terrier stands on end.

Its owner thinks it's so cute that she immediately makes a video of it and posts it to the Reddit group r/aww, where many users post cute animal posts.

In the clip by user "downriverrowing" you can even hear the owner laughingly calling: "What happened to you?" And: "Let me take a look at you, come here!" Apparently the terrier no longer understands the world and looks confused mistress' mobile phone camera.

"A very static little munchkin after rubbing all over the new couch," Reddit user downriverrowing wrote about the dog's video.

"Like a Pokémon": dog becomes an internet star

Numerous Reddit users think so too, which is why the video is going viral and has been “upvoted” more than 72,000 times and commented on countless times.

Many compare the little dog to a novel Pokémon or even a lightning rod.

Here are the funniest user comments:

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These eight characteristics are typical of cats

  • "It's like in cartoons when a dog is bathed, then its hair is dried and it puffs up like a cloud!


  • "I'm not up to date on all the new Pokemon, but I'm sure this is an Electric-type."

  • "I'm sure that couch is made of balloons."

  • "The little terrier is ecstatic about the sofa."

  • "He looks like a porcupine!"

  • "Thor, the Hound of Thunder"

  • "If that dog discharges, there will be a lightning bolt."

  • "I'd be afraid to touch that little thing."

  • "Looks like this cutie is going to shoot you in the face like a stun gun."