The Limited Times

Attention mini-jobbers: does the holiday pay count towards earnings?

6/10/2022, 1:00:33 PM

Attention mini-jobbers: does the holiday pay count towards earnings? Created: 06/10/2022, 2:50 p.m A job at the supermarket checkout can count as a mini job. However, employees may not exceed certain earnings limits. © Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa-tmn For many, the mini job is a part-time job. It is then important for the insurance status not to exceed the earnings limit. Employees often u

Attention mini-jobbers: does the holiday pay count towards earnings?

Created: 06/10/2022, 2:50 p.m

A job at the supermarket checkout can count as a mini job.

However, employees may not exceed certain earnings limits.

© Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa-tmn

For many, the mini job is a part-time job.

It is then important for the insurance status not to exceed the earnings limit.

Employees often use mini -jobs in order to be able to earn additional income

without tax and contribution


However, one- off payments such as vacation pay

can influence the assessment of whether a mini-job exists.

This is indicated by the mini job center of the German pension insurance.

In a mini-job, employees may not exceed a certain earnings limit.

It is currently 5,400 euros per year.

This means that employees in mini-jobs are not allowed to earn more than 450 euros per month.

Christmas and vacation pay count towards earnings

According to the Minijob-Zentrale, a one-

time payment

is made for a specific reason, at a specific time or as a one-off recognition.

And: It is added to the regular earnings if the payments are contractually guaranteed and recurring.

According to the information, this applies to

Christmas or vacation pay

, for example.

On the other hand, one-off payments such as anniversary bonuses or bonuses for suggestions for improvement do not usually count towards regular earnings.

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Monthly earnings decide on mini job

One-off payments

can have a corresponding effect on the

status of mini-


The Minijob-Zentrale illustrates this with an example.

If an employee earns EUR 400 a month and receives holiday pay of EUR 720, he will have annual earnings of EUR 5,520.

He thus exceeds the monthly income limit of 450 euros and there is no longer a mini job.

The employer must register the employee with the health insurance company as part of employment that is subject to compulsory insurance.

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If you are interested in staying in the mini-job relationship, you may be able to reduce the number of hours with regular one-off payments.

The Minijob-Zentrale also points out that the earnings limit for mini-jobbers is to be raised to 520 euros per month (6240 euros per year) from October 1, 2022.
