The Limited Times

DIRECT. War in Ukraine: in Sieverodonetsk, the soldiers “hold their ground” against the Russians, says Zelensky

6/10/2022, 5:11:54 AM

The battle of Sieverodonetsk, strategic city of Donbass, continues with bombardments and street fights. According to Volodymyr Zelen

The essential

  • The battle of Sieverodonestk and the neighboring town of Lyssytchansk, two strategic points in the Donbass, continues, between bombardments and street fights. 

  • During a new telephone conversation with Emmanuel Macron this Thursday evening, Volodymyr Zelensky once again raised the issue of military aid from France as well as kyiv's candidacy for entry into the European Union. 

  • Two British fighters and a Moroccan were sentenced to death by pro-Russian separatists for fighting alongside Ukrainian troops. 


Rally for the French journalist

This Friday, a rally in tribute to the journalist killed in Ukraine, Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff, will take place in Paris, at the call, in particular of RSF.

His body had been repatriated overnight from Wednesday to Thursday. 

Julien De Rosa/Pool via REUTERS


The soldiers "hold on"

In his now daily video, the Ukrainian president announces that "Sieverodonetsk, Lysychansk, and other cities in Donbass, which the occupiers now consider their targets, are holding their ground."

The day before, he had explained that the ongoing battle in Sieverodonetsk was one of the most difficult since the beginning of the war.


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