The Limited Times

Murders of Sarzana: Cartabia asks inspectors to investigate

6/10/2022, 12:48:43 PM

On the case of the failed arrest of Daniele Bedini. Cognitive procedure also of the Pg of the Cassation. Meanwhile, Ris at work and new interrogation of the suspect (ANSA)

On the case of Daniele Bedini's failure to arrest, after his three-year sentence for aggravated robbery had become final, the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia asked her inspectors to start investigations in the face of press reports.

Pending the outcome of this activity, also the Pg of the Cassation Giovanni Salvi, who shares with the minister the ownership of the disciplinary action against the magistrates, has entered a cognitive procedure. 

Daniele Bedini (photo from Facebook)

The Carabinieri of Ris di Parma this morning began the investigations on the white pickup used by Daniele Bedini, the 32-year-old carpenter arrested for the murder of Nevila Pjetri, the 35-year-old prostitute whose body was found on Sunday on the river bed Parmignola in Marinella di Sarzana is also investigated for the murder of Camilla, the trans woman killed the next day 3 km away from the place where the first body was found.

Investigations will also be carried out on Camilla's Ford Fiesta, found by the police not far from the scene of the second crime.

In that car, found among other things with the ignition still on, traces of blood were found on the mat and two shells of 22 caliber bullets

. that the autopsy exam on Camilla's body that will have to clarify how the trans was killed and if the bullets used to kill her are of the same caliber as the shells found in the car.

The divers of the carabinieri, engaged all day in the waters of the stream in search of useful elements for the investigation, returned to Genoa while the searches continue in the areas of the crimes for materials useful for the investigation.

It is not excluded, even if the investigators do not confirm it, that something important for the ongoing investigations has already been found.