The Limited Times

Suspect arrested after knife attack at Esslinger elementary school

6/10/2022, 9:25:17 PM

The police arrested a man who is said to have seriously injured a woman and a girl at an Esslinger elementary school. The 24-year-old spoke to a passer-by and asked to alert the officials.

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Cordoned off crime scene: school in Esslingen

Photo: Christian Johner / dpa

After the knife attack at an Esslinger elementary school with two seriously injured, a 24-year-old was arrested.

The Stuttgart public prosecutor and the Reutlingen police headquarters announced in the evening that the man was most likely the suspect.

The Dutch national from Esslingen spoke to a passer-by in neighboring Stuttgart and asked him to alert the police because he was responsible for the crime in Esslingen, it said.

He was arrested early Friday evening in Stuttgart without resistance.

There was initially no new information about the motive for the crime.

A decision on remand will be made on Saturday.

A 61-year-old caregiver and a little girl were seriously injured on Friday.

The perpetrator had attacked the woman and the seven-year-old child with a knife at the beginning of the holiday care and then fled, according to a police spokesman.

The attack is said to have taken place in the entrance area of ​​the school.

There were only a few children in the care.

They would be given psychological care.
