The Limited Times

The United States will stop requiring a negative coronavirus test from Sunday to enter the country

6/10/2022, 4:07:15 PM

The restriction was one of the last related to the pandemic that remained to be lifted. The obligation to show a negative coronavirus test to enter the United States is over. The Government announced this Friday that it is ending this requirement, in force since the borders with Europe were opened last November. The announcement implies turning the page on one of the last restrictions related to the pandemic that remained to be lifted in the country. The new regime will come into for

The obligation to show a negative coronavirus test to enter the United States is over.

The Government announced this Friday that it is ending this requirement, in force since the borders with Europe were opened last November.

The announcement implies turning the page on one of the last restrictions related to the pandemic that remained to be lifted in the country.

The new regime will come into force at dawn this Sunday.

According to a government official who has spoken to the press on condition of anonymity, as prior to the official announcement, there was no longer any scientific reason to maintain that rule.

He also added that within 90 days the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will review the decision and, if necessary, reinstate the obligation to submit a negative test.

The announcement is yet another gesture in the seemingly inexorable process that the Joe Biden administration is embarking on, eager as it is to shelve the coronavirus before the mid-term legislative election campaign arrives, in which the Democratic options They arent good.

And that, despite the fact that infections are on the rise in the United States, where last month the symbolic border of one million deaths from the disease was exceeded.

The new variants, certainly less serious, are not giving citizens a break either, most of them vaccinated (67%) and many of them with one or two booster doses.

Regarding travel, on April 18 the masks already fell in the air (and not only, also in public transport and in places such as train or bus stations and airports).

Then the airlines pressured the Government to lift the obligation of the previous negative test, which, in the case of Spain, had to be carried out (PCR or antigen test) the day before the trip.

It has been weeks since it was necessary to present the vaccination card to take a flight in the United States, whether it is national or international.

The requirement to provide a negative test was first introduced in January 2021, when less than 10% of Americans were vaccinated and the epidemic was raging.

The borders to travelers were closed until last November (and since the start of the pandemic in 2020) for those arriving from 33 countries, including China and a dozen Europeans, as well as Spain.