The Limited Times

Verstappen, in Azerbaijan approach does not change

6/10/2022, 1:18:00 PM

Dutch: driver salary cap? 'And why, we risk our lives' (ANSA)

"The approach here does not change, I just have to understand during the tests what car we will have and find the right balance".

Red Bull World Championship leader Max Verstappen is ready for the next Formula 1 GP in Azerbaijan: "Binotto (Ferrari team principal, ed) said that their goal is not the World Championship? Doesn't change our way of going down on the track and approaching the races. The Ferraris are very strong, but what the others say does not count "Then Verstappen in the FIA ​​press conference spoke on the subject of the salary cap for the drivers:" At the moment F1 is increasingly popular and everyone is always earning more. Why should pilots have a roof? They are the ones who put on a show and risk their lives ".