The Limited Times

Barrage of Top 14: Toulouse, alone against all, really?

6/11/2022, 7:37:44 AM

Stade Toulousain finds La Rochelle, its best enemy for two seasons, this Saturday evening in the play-off of the Top 14. And as often, the

For a bit, one might think that the Toulouse Stadium, which faces La Rochelle this Saturday, June 11 (9:05 p.m.) in the Top 14 play-off, is about to change its mascot: it has been a lion draped in red and black jersey.

But for several months, the Toulouse leaders have been complaining so much about the fate that would be reserved for them that one wonders if it would not be more appropriate to replace Calimero!

We're kidding, but according to the people of Toulouse, French rugby has a grudge against the club from the pink city.

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