The Limited Times

Spanish Catholics want Rome to discuss future of priesthood

6/11/2022, 6:37:49 PM

Spanish Catholics want Rome to consider discussions on the future of the priesthood, including the issue of celibacy, the ordination of...

Spanish Catholics want Rome to consider discussions on the future of the priesthood, including the issue of celibacy, the ordination of women and married men, according to a document published on Saturday.

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This document, of which AFP was able to read a copy, was unveiled by the Episcopal Conference, which brings together the main Spanish bishops, during a meeting of 600 people in Madrid.

It was drawn up after consultation with more than 215,000 people, mainly lay people but also priests and bishops.

The proposals will be compiled into a document that will be presented to the assembly of bishops in synod next year at the Vatican.

They emphasize “

the need to study in detail the question of the celibacy of priests and the ordination of married persons.

The question of the ordination of women also arose

,” the document states, while specifying that these questions have only been raised in certain dioceses.

It also underlines the need to “

rethink the role of women in the Church

” to give them “

greater leadership and greater responsibility


There is also "

a need for greater attention

" for people who are divorced or remarried or have an alternative sexual orientation.

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The document was unveiled just months after lawmakers approved Spain's first official investigation into child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, through a committee of independent experts.