The Limited Times

British Council registration error for Cambridge entrance exams

6/14/2022, 11:38:48 PM

The British Council made a human error and failed to register a candidate for the Cambridge Sixth Term Examination Paper after charging the examination fee until the candidate was informed on the test day that he was not in the name of the candidate.

The British Council made a human error and failed to register a candidate for the Cambridge Sixth Term Examination Paper after charging the exam fee. It was not until the candidate was informed on the test day that he was not on the list and could not take the exam. To apply for the exam for him, Cambridge University also refused to let him take the exam temporarily because he was not on the list.

The candidate's mother said that she planned to enter the Mathematics Department of Cambridge University by applying for A-Level and STEP. If she failed to take the STEP test, she would have a high chance of not being able to enter the subject. She bluntly said that her son's future was ruined.

The British Council stated that the candidate was unfortunately unable to take the test due to a registration error by the association. It deeply regrets this negligence, and also apologises to the candidate and his mother. The test application fee has now been fully refunded and is being prepared for the test. Candidates look for alternative exam options.

The STEP test is a required test for admission to undergraduate mathematics at the University of Cambridge

The Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP) is a mathematics entrance examination under the Cambridge University Examination Board. It is an additional mathematics examination that is required when applying for undergraduate mathematics majors such as Cambridge University. STEP in Hong Kong is usually organized through the British Council.

When you arrive at the test site, you know that you are not on the list of candidates

Mrs Wu said that her son had planned to enter the Mathematics Department of Cambridge University by applying for A-Level and STEP. When I arrived at the test room, I was told that I was not on the test list and could not take the test.

The incident hit them hard. Mrs. Wu pointed out that they had been preparing for the exam for a long time, and taking the exam was also a necessary exam for him to enter the mathematics department of Cambridge University. destroy".

Good grades in mathematics, full-hearted test STEP, no application for DSE this year

Mrs. Wu said that her son has always excelled in mathematics. He has participated in many mathematics competitions and achieved good results, including winning the Grand Prize in the IMMC International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (China) this year, and in the international joint school subject evaluation and competition. He has achieved high-level honors in mathematics, and even received a scholarship from the Department of Mathematics of the Chinese University of China.

Because I took the A-Level and STEP exams wholeheartedly, I did not apply for DSE, and I was unable to apply for local universities through JUPAS.

British Council deeply regrets and apologises for registration error

The British Council inquired. The spokesperson said that the STEP provided by the Cambridge University Examinations Committee was held at the Hong Kong Examination Center on June 9. The candidate was unfortunately unable to take the test due to a registration error by the Association. The Association is deeply negligent this time. Expressing regret and regret for the frustration caused by the candidate and his mother, the association has now fully refunded the examination application fee and is looking for an alternative examination plan for the candidate.

Mrs. Wu said that the association had contacted her, saying that the senior management was helping, and she could take the IELTS and other tests for free.

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