The Limited Times

Ukraine: Moscow announces a humanitarian corridor for civilians inside Azot

6/14/2022, 4:03:39 PM

Mass grave found near Bucha. War crimes investigation launched. Kiev: the West no longer seeks compromises with Moscow. In Severodonetsk there are still 540-560 civilians in the chemical plant shelters (ANSA)

Moscow announced the opening of a humanitarian corridor tomorrow for civilian refugees inside the Azot chemical plant in Severodonetsk


Tass reports it.

Russia has called on the fighters at the facility to release the civilians and lay down their weapons.

In the bomb shelters of the Azot chemical plant in Severodonetsk, under constant attack by Russian raids, "there are still 540-560 civilians"


The head of the city's military-civil administration, Oleksandr Stryuk, underlined this on Telegram, according to reports from Ukraine.

Stryuk added that there are constant fighting and assault attempts at the site.

Ukraine, Zelensky: 'Appalling human cost of the battle of Severodonetsk'

Ukrainian authorities say they found a

mass grave with civilian bodies near Bucha

, in the Kiev region.

According to local police, the bodies of seven civilians were found near the village of Myrotske, many of them with "tied hands and gunshot wounds in the knees," local police chief Andrii Niebytov said, quoted by the Guardian. .

In a statement it is emphasized that the bodies found were tortured.

The identification operations are in progress.

The Ukrainian National Prosecutor's Office confirmed that a

war crimes

investigation has been launched . 

"Ramstein-3 should be the day when understanding the importance of force in achieving peace and building a new world order replaces the desire to compromise with those who resort to violence: more heavy weapons and operational training for our armed forces".

Andriy Yermak, President Volodymyr Zelensky's chief of staff, writes on Twitter on the eve of the meeting in Brussels of the US-driven 'League for Ukraine', also known as the "Ramstein group".

"In hoc signo vinces", Yermak concludes, publishing the Ukrainian flag ("with this banner you will win").

Ukraine, missile attack in Dobropillia destroys some houses

The Pope's warning

- The pontiff returns to talk about the war in Ukraine and indicates the presence of a "superpower" who wants to impose his will.

"The war in Ukraine has come to add to the regional wars that in recent years have been reaping death and destruction. But here the picture is more complex due to the direct intervention of a 'superpower' - underlines the Pope in the Message for the Day of the Poor -, which intends to impose its will against the principle of self-determination of peoples. Scenes of tragic memory are repeated and once again the mutual blackmail of some powerful covers the voice of humanity that invokes peace ".

The EU clarification

- "The European Commission did not decide anything yesterday, it only had an orientation debate to allow the members of the college to exchange their views and the decision will be taken on Friday".

This was stated by a spokesman for the EU Commission regarding its assessment of whether or not to recommend to the Council to grant Ukraine the status of candidate country for entry into the EU.

From Ukraine there are still no indications of the details of grain exports or anything else it wants to export.

This was stated by the Kremlin quoted by TASS.

Moscow is ready to consider an investigation into British mercenaries convicted in the (self-proclaimed) Republic of Donetsk if London makes a request.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this, adding that London has not asked Moscow for help on the matter.

Britain should contact the Republic of Donetsk about the fate of its citizens sentenced to death, he said, quoted by Tass.