The Limited Times

With the Twin Sisters festival, Julie Gayet celebrates the marriage of music and image

6/14/2022, 1:02:58 PM

From June 22 to 25, Julie Gayet opens to the public the second edition of her festival dedicated to the meeting of music and image. In Rochefort, in the city of the famous "Ladies", and in the presence of many personalities.

Music and Julie Gayet is a long love story: before embracing a career as an actress and producer, she dreamed of being an opera singer.

Also, since last year, she has been reconciling her two loves, music and image, in a transversal festival which promotes the place of composers and sound professions in cinema, in series, video games, VR, documentaries, advertising…

To discover

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Read alsoJulie Gayet and Benjamin Biolay: “We go very far when we are mean, but we don’t go very high”

After a 2021 edition reserved for professionals due to COVID, Twin Sisters is opening a very large part of its programming to the general public this year.

Which will be able to attend a new concert every evening, in music and images, at the Théâtre de la Coupe d'or, in Rochefort.

During the opening show, dedicated to Agnès Varda and her favorite composer Joanna Bruzdowicz, the musicians PR2B, Neïma Naouri, Marie Oppert and Rosemary Standley (from the Moriarty group) will embody the struggles and commitment of women by taking up emblematic titles on this theme.

The next day, IAM will succeed them on the Grande Scène, installed on the banks of the Charente, before giving way, from the 24th, to Alex Beaupain who will pay tribute to the cinema of Serge Gainsbourg with Clotilde Hesme, Dominique Besnehard, Clou, or La Grande Sophie.

Ladies of Rochefort


In video, Benjamin Biolay and Julie Gayet,

In the Merco Benz

, the video clip

Honored professionals

During the day, artistic conversations will also be accessible to all, on ticketing: Benjamin Biolay and Emilie Simon will discuss their profession, photographer Charlotte Abramow will share the stage with singer Suzane when Vladimir Cosma, the cult composer of

Rabbi Jacob


La Boom

, will look back on his career.

Guests of a talk Women in motion, the Kering program promoting women in the world of arts and culture, composers Julie Roué, Audrey Ismaël and Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen will mark the day of the 24th. Directors Audrey Diwan, Valérie Donzelli and Eva Husson will also be guests of the program on June 22, for Women's Day.

This year, Twin Sisters has indeed decided to further affirm its support for professionals in the music and image sectors, under the sponsorship of Mercedes Erra, the big boss of BETC.

A choice in line with the concerns of Julie Gayet, unfailing support of La Fondation des femmes, also involved in the adventure.

To see and to listen

Many other events and surprises will await festival-goers over four days: a declaration of love sung at the cinema by Jeanne Cherhal and Thierry Frémaux, screenings of films, documentaries and series completely free at the Appolo Ciné 8, debates on the political, economic and artistic issues of the two industries (mainly reserved for professionals), showcases of emerging and established artists (Vendredi Sur Mer, Johnny Jane, JB Dunckel of the AIR group, the rapper Sally, etc.), signing sessions in the Twin Sisters Village…

And Julie Gayet concludes: “Music and image have always had a fusional history.

They are twin sisters!

These two universal languages ​​needed a place to meet, share, transmit, create and imagine the future.”

It will therefore be in Rochefort, from June 22 to 25.

To discover the program and buy tickets: