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"Overprotection is neglect": Expert appeals to "helicopter parents"

6/15/2022, 3:57:05 PM

"Overprotection is neglect": Educator shoots at helicopter parents Created: 06/15/2022Updated: 06/15/2022 17:49 By: Jasmin Pospiech It's a hot topic for parents: raising children. But for those who mean it particularly well, a pedagogue only has harsh words left. Hamburg – Raising children is a hotly debated topic, where childless people in particular can quickly put their foot in it. Nowadays

"Overprotection is neglect": Educator shoots at helicopter parents

Created: 06/15/2022Updated: 06/15/2022 17:49

By: Jasmin Pospiech

It's a hot topic for parents: raising children.

But for those who mean it particularly well, a pedagogue only has harsh words left.

Hamburg – Raising children is a hotly debated topic, where childless people in particular can quickly put their foot in it.

Nowadays there are so many parenting forms, guides and well-intentioned tips that many parents are unsettled.

Many mean well and want their offspring to lack for nothing.

"Overprotection is neglect": Educator shoots at helicopter parents

Children also need to be challenged.

(Iconic image) © fotototo/Imago

So-called “helicopter parents” are constantly circling around their offspring, which is a thorn in the side of an expert.

But not only that: For them it is even gross negligence when parents constantly focus on their children and want to clear all the obstacles in their life.

Instead, adults should trust their children more, believes teacher Beate Letschert-Grabbe.

Ultimately, this only leads to helicopter parents damaging the development of the little ones.

Worse still, in her opinion, constant overprotection is just as bad as neglecting their children.

A study showed that overprotection and overprotection can also make less sense when it comes to babies crying did not immediately jump as soon as it screamed and cried.

But that does not mean that the needs of children should not be taken seriously: "It is very important to recognize a need and to talk to the child about it," she explains to "Zeit Online".

But parents would have to distinguish whether it is a real need or whether the offspring just wants attention, for example.

But many adults jump as soon as the child makes a peep, without paying attention to what the sprout wants to express.

This leads to mutual dependency: The parents focus entirely on the sensitivities of the children, while the children no longer (need to) make any effort to act independently.

That's why another expert gave tips on when to leave the little ones alone at home.

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Overprotection makes children addicted?

If, on the other hand, overprotective mothers and fathers are constantly close to the child, fulfilling every wish and taking over all tasks, the offspring cannot gain any experience of their own.

"No one has to react immediately, completely and perfectly to needs," Letschert-Grabbe also knows, but overprotecting your children makes them almost addicted to it.

Accordingly, it is “like a drug” for the little ones when they get everything and they also “know no saturation point”.

Instead, the educator recommends trying to talk to the offspring more often, listening to them and challenging them at certain points.

This is not an easy task in times of homeschooling and professional and private stress, but it is worth taking the time to do it in the end.

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