The Limited Times

Angola is to supply Germany with green hydrogen

6/15/2022, 4:51:31 PM

The federal government is looking worldwide for partners for the import of green hydrogen. Angola is now to become the first supplier. For the time being, however, there will be no fast oil and gas exports from the country.

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Iberdola's green hydrogen factory in the final stages of construction in Puertollano, Spain (icon image)

Photo: Angel Garcia/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Angola is to become Germany's first supplier of green hydrogen from renewable energies.

The state energy company Sonangol signed a declaration of intent on Wednesday in Berlin together with the German companies Gauff Engineering and Conjuncta for the construction of a corresponding factory in Angola.

He is counting on green ammonia being able to be exported from 2024, said Angolan Minister for Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino Pedro de Azevedo.

Green ammonia is a liquid energy carrier that can be used to transport green hydrogen over long distances.

According to Stefan Liebing, Managing Director of Conjuncta and Chairman of the German-African Business Association, 280,000 tons of green ammonia will initially be produced for export.

The project could thus be the first of its kind in Africa and "perhaps even the first project worldwide," said Liebing.

Fast production after the construction of the factory in the port of Barra do Dande is possible because electricity from a hydroelectric power station, water and infrastructure such as power lines are available, emphasized Stefan Tavares Bollow, Managing Director of Gauff Engineering.

The federal government is currently looking for partners worldwide to import green hydrogen, which is intended to replace fossil fuels such as oil and gas.

An energy partnership already exists between Germany and Angola.

However, the responsible minister, de Azevedo, rejected fast deliveries of oil and gas from Russia as a substitute for fossil fuels: "It will take some time," he said in a Reuters TV interview when asked whether Angola could expand its capacities quickly , »Oil production is not so elastic.« Angola is the second largest oil producer in Africa.

The more European companies invest, the more one can produce in the future.

Oil and gas would continue to play a role in the energy mix for a few more years.

With a view to the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, however, de Azevedo said: "We see the needs of Europe."

They are ready to deliver more and have just decided on new facilities and investments for the development of gas reserves.

"Some of the gas will go to Europe."

This contribution is part of the Global Society project

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Under the title »Global Society«, reporters from

Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe

report on injustices in a globalized world, socio-political challenges and sustainable development.

The reports, analyses, photo series, videos and podcasts appear in a separate section in the foreign section of SPIEGEL.

The project is long-term and is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

A detailed FAQ with questions and answers about the project can be found here.

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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has been supporting the project since 2019 for an initial three years with a total of around 2.3 million euros - around 760,000 euros per year.

In 2021, the project was extended by almost three and a half years until spring 2025 under the same conditions.

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The editorial content is created without the influence of the Gates Foundation.

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With the support of the Gates Foundation, major European media outlets such as The Guardian and El País have set up similar sections on their news sites with Global Development and Planeta Futuro respectively.

Did SPIEGEL already have similar projects? open

In recent years, SPIEGEL has already implemented two projects with the European Journalism Center (EJC) and the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: the "OverMorgen Expedition" on global sustainability goals and the journalistic refugee project "The New Arrivals ", within the framework of which several award-winning multimedia reports on the topics of migration and flight have been created.

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The pieces can be found at SPIEGEL on the Global Society topic page.

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